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Tw - Blood

You're perfect

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You're perfect.


Did I say that aloud?

MIKE AND JAYDEN MANEUVERED around broken glass helping El fit through the broken gas station door

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MIKE AND JAYDEN MANEUVERED around broken glass helping El fit through the broken gas station door.

"Get rubbing alcohol and gauze pads." Jayden said as they followed behind Nancy into the medical isle.
"Okay, get her down." Nancy said turning towards the two teens.

They set Eleven down gently to where she could lean up against one of the isles.

Jayden moved to her leg where Nancy also sat with the gauze and rubbing alcohol in hand. "Okay, lets see.." Nancy mumbled as she picked up El's pant leg.

She revealed the bloody cut from the taloned arm. Jayden visibly cringed. The cut was very deep and it was oozing blood. Elevens pant leg, sock, and shoe were stained with the metallic red liquid

Nancy leaned over grabbing the gauze getting ready to clean it but Jayden and Max stopped her at the same time. "Woah, woah, what are you doing?" Max said making Jayden smile.

"Cleaning the wound?" Nancy said.

"No, first, we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then disinfect, then bandage." Max listed off making Jayden smiled more. "One, I skateboard. Two, my girlfriend is smart and teaches me these things. Just trust me." Max looked over at Jayden.

Jayden placed the gauze on El's leg "Hold this, Mike." she said. He placed his hand on the gauze keeping it still. "Keep the pressure on it, nice and firm, okay?"

"We're gonna need water, soap." Max looked at the two young adults. "Yeah, okay." Nancy and Jonathan quickly stood up rushing off to another isle.

Lucas then dumped everything in his backpack out onto the tiled floor making the two girls turn to him "Does any of this help?" Lucas asked.

"No. Go get us a washcloth and a bowl." Max demanded. "A bowl?" Lucas asked in a confused tone.

"Have you never heard of a bowl?" Jayden exclaimed in an annoyed tone making Will smack Lucas's arm to get him going.

Max and Jayden turned back to El who groaned in pain. "We got this El." Jayden assured. "Just breath."

Eleven took deep, painful breaths.

"Let's go find them. They're taking to long." Max said getting up. She then put a hand out for Jayden to grab which the brunette took without a thought.

They traveled the isles of the gas station before turning a corner seeing Will and Lucas by a firework stand, holding a huge firework. "That doesn't look like a bowl." Max said as the two walked closer to the boys. "Nah, it's way better."Lucas held the rocket up to Jayden and Max.

"There's a reason this waring label says 'eighteen or older'. This sucker is filled with one hundred and fifty grains of black powder." Lucas dramatically paused "A.K.A gunpowder." he tossed the box to Jayden which she thankfully caught "Strap two of these together and it's bigger than an M-eighty. Five of them," He looked to Will with a smirk "we've got ourselves a stick of dynamite."

Jayden looked up at Lucas with an annoyed look. "You wanna kill that thing with fireworks?" Max asked. "Do you have a better idea?" Lucas countered.

"Uh, I do, Eleven." Max replied taking the box from Jayden's hands and throwing it at Lucas

"Against that thing? She's gonna need some backup." Lucas said.

Max rolled her eyes before grabbing Jayden's hand, turning, and walking away with the girl.

The two walked into the snack isle making Jayden's eyes go wide. "Oh, my God." She said as she grabbed a pack of M&Ms. Max chuckled as she watched her girlfriend rip the corner of the bag and take a small amount out.

"Want some?" Jayden asked moving the bag towards Max. The red head nodded and took the bag pouring some chocolate candies into her hand as well.

Jayden looked at the girl with a smile watching her. Whatever Max did seemed so perfectly done to Jayden. She didn't know why.

Every part of Jayden's body lifted a little hit when she saw the red head enter the room or when she saw her smile.

"You're perfect." Jayden said aloud making Max look at her with confused eyes "Huh?" Max asked "Did I say that aloud?" the brunette asked scratching the back of her head awkwardly.

Max laughed a little before wrapping an arm around the girl and pulling her close. "You're perfect too, Jay." She whispered.

Jayden looked up at Max before giving the red head a small kiss, then pulling away and looking her straight in her eyes.

She thought that Max was beautiful and perfect and amazing.The brunette liked every part of her but she didn't know how to express it well, she always tried her best though.

Looking into Max's eyes made her think, a lot, about how she wouldn't be as happy as she is if she hadn't walked up to the girl the first day Max came to Hawkins Middle. Or how she wouldn't be out to Steve if Max didn't come over to her house that one day.

Or how she wouldn't be here, standing at a gas station and eating M&Ms while her hand was intertwined with Max's.

Thinking about all the past events the couple went through together made her stomach flutter.

And that's when Jayden realized she was in love.

Jayden Harrington was in love with Max Mayfield.

Jayden Harrington was in love with Max Mayfield

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