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Tw - Talks about death

When Max dies, it'll be all your fault

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When Max dies, it'll be all your fault.

Shut up! Go away!

Shut up! Go away!

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"IT WAS HERE." MAX flashed her light at the same wall where Jayden had seen the old grandfather clock.

Had Max seen it too?

"Right here." She said determined.

"A grandfather clock?" Nancy asked. Jayden looked down, debating on whether or not to tell the group what she had seen too. "It was so real." Max mumbled. The ticking of the clock rang through Jayden's ears. "And then, when I got closer, suddenly I just.. I woke up."

The brunette's experience had been just like that.

"It's like she was in a trance or something. Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy." Dustin pointed out. Max let out a shaky breath before turning to look at her friends. "That's not even the bad part."

The group traveled back to the councilor's office. Taking a look at the files, Jayden's chest tightening the more she kept staring at Chrissy's file, as well as the file cabinet that held hers.

"Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms. Kelley for help. Uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then.." Max paused, debating on whether she sound keep going or not. "the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. And then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their pasts. And these visions, they just... they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually... everything ended."

Robin looked up at the red-head. "Vecna's curse."

"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago." Max read off the paper, turning to Freds file. "Fred's started six day's ago."

"I've been having them for five days."

Jayden ran a distressed hand through her hair as her throat burned. Where these headaches like hers? Were they different? When she looked at the grandfather clock her head was pounding.

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