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Tw - Talks about death

Don't think too much, kay?

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Don't think too much, kay?

I try. Never works.


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STEVE PULLED UP TO Mrs. Kelley's house. Max practically jumping out of the car and running towards the front door.

The three watched nervously as she talked to the women before she disappeared into the house. "Okay. She's in." Steve said. "I'm missing collarbones, not eyes." Dustin said monotonously. "So, we gonna talk about... it?"

Jayden sighed and laid across the back row of seats, staring up at the cars roof, her feet positioned up and out the window, showcasing her black converse to the outside world.

"Huh?" Steve snapped out of his trance and faced Dustin. "Sorry, talk about what?"

"You temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nance?" Dustin pointed out. Steve turned away from the kids before turning back. "That's not what happened." He said. "Looked like it." Jayden butted into the conversation.

Dustin nodded. "It was pretty public. There were, like, a lot of witnesses." He pointed out. "Are you two implying I still have a thing for Nance?" Steve asked sounding annoyed. "No. We aren't implying. We're stating." Steve nodded and looked away from Dustin. "And, as it relates to your steadfast refusal to date Robin.. it's pretty much the only logical explanation."

Jayden looked over confused before remembering Dustin didn't know Robin was like her. A lesbian. "That's not the only one." Steve mumbled, eyes on the house. "And as for Nance, I was just trying to protect a friend."

Dustin cheekily smiled while nodding his head. "A friend, Henderson. Okay?"


"Just pointing out," Jayden finally sat up and leaned between the two. "before I dated Max I would worry about her as a "friend" too." She put air quotes around the word "friend."

Steve let out a huge sigh. "That's not the case, Jay. I just don't wanna find her in the morning with her eyes sucked out of her skull by this Vecna creep." Steve yelled hurriedly. Dustin chuckled. "You're bright red in the face right now." He teased. Steve rolled his eyes and put his hand to his head. "I'm not. I don't wanna talk about it."

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