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My alarm clock tinkled softly through the tiny room, rousing me from my sleep as I pressed the 'stop' button on an old butterfly alarm clock. It was pink and old, something I'd picked up at a thrift store; it could never tell the time right. I sat up, my mattress creaking as I ruffled around in my blankets for a bit longer, sighing and stepping onto the floor. I didn't have a mattress frame, something that I saw as useless to my current situation, leaving me to sleep on the floor. 

My flip phone was lit up, signaling that it was done charging next to the little clock as I changed, the silver of an ancient belly button piercing flashing in the light. I wore a ratty sweater and jeans, my old knock-off converse worn to shit if the holes in the pinky toes were anything to go by. Running a hand through my shaggy pure black hair, I grabbed an old backpack and my flip phone, locking up the house and praying I was able to work enough to eat- rent wasn't due for another month anyway. 


I made it to work, clocking in and standing at the counter, my eye bags deep purple as fatigue took over. I was sleepy and tired, wanting to curl back up in my nest and hide from everyone; no doubt my heat was around the corner. The thought made my heart sink, I can't work during heat... 

I was interrupted by the door jingling, yawning as I welcomed them "Welcome to Ashley food stores..." I caught the scent of alpha, it was a delicious scent, one that made me warm and happy, a blend of the sea and warm sun. I caught myself slipping off once more as the smell was stronger, said alpha now surveying me up and down "Hello sir" I managed out "How can I help you?"

He was much taller than me, clearly of Asian descent with deep black hair and matching cocoa eyes, he was stunning to me, making my heart leap out of my chest. "Just a pack of Camel" he sighed. I nodded and grabbed them, setting them on the counter and ringing them up, waiting like an eager puppy for the next command. He raised a brow and slid a shiny black card in to pay, taking them and pocketing them. I stood in front of me once, more taking everything about me in before leaning in "Got a number?" I blinked and nodded, fumbling with my ancient phone and holding it out. 

The alpha seemed amused, taking my precious phone and glancing at it, typing in a number with a sigh "Call me baby. I'd say text but..." he chuckled and I nearly fell over, my face red and my heart beating hard "Mhm" I chirped, watching as he left out the door once again. When I came to, I all but cried, the little space between my legs soaked and my body burning- he'd triggered my heat. 


I arrived home, having been fired from said job for endangering others, suffering and rolling on my bed, sobbing in pain. I hadn't had anything to eat for the past few meals and my body was NOT happy about that, I felt horrible. Amidst my sobs, I blearily dialed the newest number in my phone 'Junho' the dial rang for a bit before picking up "Hey?"

He barely got the words out when I sobbed "AlpHa... hurts..." I cried harder, kicking my leg as more heat washed over my body "Please... PLEASE" he seemed frazzled, asking where I was, what was happening, I gave him my address all be it slowly, my sobs having calmed down a bit more. "Okay- okay baby I'm coming, hang on-" the line went dead and I sobbed harder, clutching my knees to my chest and blearily going in and out of consciousness. 

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