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I was roused from my sleep to knocking at the door, Junho's voice filling my ears "Baby?!" I shuffled into a crouch, weakly calling out "Under the mat" I rasped. After a few seconds, the door clicked open, Junho shakily inhaling the scent of my heat and shutting the door, lock clicking in place. "Junho.." I whimpered, sitting up and reaching for him with hazy eyes. 

I had stripped off all my clothes, slick leaking from my little cunt onto the sheets as he wrapped me up in his arms "Mmh... this my fault?" I snuggled into him, breathing in his scent excitedly, wiggling and panting as I tried to rub myself off against him "Yeah" I grumbled, shivering and purring as I drenched Junho in my scent. 

Junho had leaned up against the wall, seemingly appalled at my living conditions as he held me in his lap, my cunt right on top of his growing bulge. Another wave of heat hit me and whined, reaching down to unzip Junho's pants. That seemed to be the last of his restraint as he pushed me into the bedding, pulling off his shirt and pants. I salivated at the sight, spreading eagerly for him as he pressed the tip into me. 

"HurTs..!" I cried out softly, clenching around the few inches he'd managed to slide in. His rough fingers moved to circle my clit, relaxing me and distracting from the pain as he slid fully in, hips seated against my own "Fuck... there we go baby... feel good?" I purred and nodded "Yes... yesyesyes..!" he slid his hips in and out, fucking me hard into the mattress as both our moans (mainly my own) filled my tiny apartment. 

I was spent once Junho finally knotted me, panting and sleepy, purring away in utter bliss as my new alpha kissed along my neck and shoulders, his cum buried deep in my womb. His arms were wrapped around me, petting my hair as I drifted off, his lips leaving little possessive nibbles along my neck 


When I awoke, I had been clearly cleaned up, the smell of food wafting from my living room. Donning Junho's discarded shorts and sliding on some panties, I staggered out, my heat seemingly completely gone. "Alpha?" I purred, seeing him sitting on the tiny floor mats I had around an old table, Chinese take-out covering it. He pulled me down into his lap, hugging me tight and feeding me a spring roll that I devoured in seconds "Morning beautiful~" he nosed into my neck with a sigh, moving noodles and chicken before me which I all but inhaled till I felt like bursting at the seams. 

Junho's fingers trailed along my thighs as I leaned into him, purring away "Sasha baby, come live with me" I tensed but he continued, rubbing my shoulders and trying to relax me "You're pregnant sweet thing, your heat stopped, this isn't a place for someone like you, please baby" I sighed, admitting that he was in fact correct about everything, plus, living with Junho full time? I purred louder, hobbling and turning in his arms to plop down in his lap "Okay~" I pressed soft kisses to his face and lips, smiling as he grinned. 


True to his word, we arrived at his home, what little I had with me in 3 boxes. There were tons of people pressed up against the wrought iron gate, big cameras, and flashy signs- it seemed he was famous. We got past them, pulling into his garage as he helped me out, lifting me up into his arms and walking into the house, smiling and puffing up proudly at my awed look "Welcome home beautiful~". 

The house was massive, with two ivory staircases going up to the second floor, thick plush rugs, and the comfiest couches I'd ever seen, it had an oriental feel, various silk tapestries hung around and small plants decorating the doorways. It was stunning. I breathed in his scent, wiggling nervously "Junho... are you famous?"

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