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I awoke to blearing pain in my waist, and a puddle of water under me, my eyes were wide and I shoved Junho awake, clumsily turning on a light and managing to sign 'Babies, birth' to him, he took a second to process but then nodded, rushing up out of bed and throwing on a shirt, still in pajama pants as he helped me up out of bed, fretting over me as I winced from contractions, grabbing our prepared baby bag as my mate awoke Bennett, dressing him in a warm jacket and grabbing a few books and toys. 

We set off, Junho speeding as I groaned, or at least thought I did, through the pain that came every 5 minutes, the time between was growing shorter, and I was nervous, my knuckles white from my grip on the door handle. We made it to the maternity ward, I was sat down in a wheelchair, grimacing looks at my face and scars, as Junho carried my baby on his hip, grabbing a nearby nurse and mouthing something. He seemed upset, and I wasn't allowed to see him as I was wheeled in, getting hooked to wires and monitors, I had no idea what was going on, they were all talking at me but I just shook my head in confusion, pointing to my ears in vain frustration. 

Junho was finally able to come in, my legs in stirrups as the first baby was beginning to slide forward, but just barely. I was panic-stricken, trying to figure out what was happening as Junho signed a few things to me, clearly struggling with his limited vocabulary and looking irritated with himself. I just sighed and nodded, brushing off the nurses around me with angry glares, hissing at a few- I regretted coming here. 

Home births weren't uncommon, specifically for omegas, but due to the fact I was having triplets, on top of the time in HIS house, I was scared something would go wrong. The contractions grew seconds apart as they kept telling me I wasn't dilated enough, going back to others' rooms and leaving me alone for long spans of time. I felt the first baby crowning and cried out in pain, holding Junho's hand tight in my grasp, trying to focus on giving birth rather than the fact Junho's parents had taken Bennett so as to not freak him out in the delivery room.

I tried waiting on a nurse, but finally just gave up, pushing when I felt the need to and crying out as I felt myself tear, barely making it past the head before fully pushing, my first little pup out into the world. I couldn't hear their cries, only barely registering one of the trainee nurses washing off and cutting the cord on my pup, planting them into my arms, and using her limited ASL to tell me they were a boy. My sweet baby boy. 

I was purring through the pain, rocking my baby with one arm as I continued to buckle down and deliver, the next two finally followed after nearly 18 hours of labor. 


I woke up a few hours after the afterbirth, picking up my nearest pup and holding her to my chest, letting her hungrily nurse as the two boys wriggled in their own beds. I handed her off to a tired Junho to burp, taking the two boys and feeding them at the same time, my purrs now in full swing. I was in my own little world, Junho as well as he gazed at his daughter, pressing kisses to her little head and cradling her tiny body, they were so small that I was in utter awe, the onesies we'd gotten for them all too big even though it was the smallest size. We were thankfully alone in the room, though I was angry about the birth, there was no epidural, I had to feel each moment of the pain, and only a trainee nurse who knew little ASL was on hand, what had happened?

I tried to reason with myself but I was angry, my brows furrowed in fear- what if something had happened to my pups? What would they do? I had been informed by Junho that there were a few other births that were happening, two of which were c-sections, and the other just a normal one. Even if they were understaffed they could have tried to help me... 

I sighed and handed Junho the second pup, my little girl now sleeping in her hospital crib, and burping the last baby on my own, signing how I felt about the care to Junho, earning a sweet kiss to my forehead, his eyes burning in anger- seems he too felt the same way. 

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