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Junho looked sheepish and rubbed the back of his head with a shrug "Yeah... pretty much. My music blew up not too long ago.." I smiled and nodded in understanding, wiggling down from his arms and plopping onto the comfy sofa, quick to burrow into, sighing and purring away in bliss. My alpha soon followed, tickling my sides and grabbing me into his arms as I squealed, assaulted with kisses before we both calmed down. 

I was now sat, purring sleepily in his arms as he pulled out a cigarette, going to light it before I plucked it out of his hands with a frown, silencing him with a steamy kiss and tossing the cancer stick away "No smoking" I grunted, earning a sigh and a loving nod from him. Running his hands through my hair, he pressed little kisses to my jaw "You probably wanna nest- let me show you our room." I nodded, letting him cradle me in his arms as we plodded up the stairs. 


To say that the room was stunning would be an understatement, it seemed only the finest of things were placed in here, the silk bed sheets and pillowcases, followed by a thick and soft down cover gave the air of RICH. Underfoot was heated tile with an equally warm shag carpet, the white color matching the silky drapes framing the bedside. I gasped, curling up onto the bed and nosing around, taking in the rich scent as I began to nest, setting up pillows and furling blankets into strange shapes. By the time I was done, I was fully in omega headspace, purring and snuggled up. My happy scent wafted through the room, Junho approaching the nest and sliding in next to me, rubbing my lower back and scenting me. 

We were both relaxed, dozing into an early nap when there was a loud pop ringtone from Junho's pocket. I whined and nuzzled further into my alpha as he reached for it, pressing a quick kiss to my temple and remaining in bed with me "Hello?" his brows furrowed as the person on the other line jabbered away, clearly angry "Yes- y- YES okay?! I know what I'm doing-" he sighed, brows furrowed again as a growl ripped from his throat "This conversation is done, bye" he hung up the phone and slammed it against the side table, wrapping me tightly in his arms and stuffing his face into my neck "Who was it?" I murmured, using my scent to calm him "Manager. Some paparazzi saw us- says it's bad for my image" I prickled at that as well, suddenly feeling protective of my alpha, leaning in to rub our glands together. "Fuckers" I hissed, earning a hearty laugh from him "'Xactly right baby" he cooed to me, pressing a kiss to my lips. 


Sadly, our peace didn't last long, as Junho had to go off to record at the studio he worked with. I was not very happy with that, hugging him tight and not letting him go, whimpering pitifully. Junho finally sighed, lifting me up in his arms and nuzzling into my neck "Baby doll, you can come with me-" I cut him off with a loud purr "Mhm!" he chuckled, peppering me in kisses and setting me down, smacking my ass with a grin "Go get ready cutie~" I purred and grinned, slipping off to do as told. 

I was ready not long after, wearing a black cropped shirt with a sheer long sleeve over it, the loose pants I wore slightly under my belly, showing off the glinting piercing- these were all Junho's clothes and a bit big on me, but I felt... normal. I was well dressed and clean, and dare I say FABULOUS, especially the way Junho raked his eyes over me. "Ready to go~" I hummed, skipping out to the garage while Junho chuckled behind me. 


The car ride was normal- as much as normal can be when blasting old 90's rock and constantly stealing kisses at red lights, perhaps even more. We were both freshly mated after all and stuck like glue to one another. We arrived at the studio, paparazzi pressing against the doors- not as many as at his house, but still a good handful. Junho- bless his heart- handed me a black mask, wearing his own along with some glasses, looking even more of a celebrity than before "Ready baby?" I sighed and nodded, sliding out of the car with him and shrinking to his side, Junho's hand wrapped tight around my waist. There was so much flashing that I just shut my eyes tight and shuffled along inside, finally getting a breather when we were in the lobby. 

We both slid our masks off, Junho leaning down to press a kiss to my cheek, a clear apology from his wrinkled brows. I smiled up at him, my blue eyes full of adoration as I leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek when we were oh so kindly interrupted. 

"Junho?!" a very pissy-looking man hobbled over, slightly balding with tiny glasses all but sucked into his fleshy face "I thought we talked about this- don't bring this... FLING... into the studio! This horrible for your image, the fans like bachelors, don't ruin this for yourself!" Junho snarled angrily, holding me tight to his chest as I snuggled in, eyes glowering at the beta "He's my mate, Lasley." 

The manager looked like he was about to explode, puffing up to give us another lecture when a smooth voice behind him popped up "Junho~?" 

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