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sorry this is pretty short n crappy :( Idk how meet and greets work - Misha


Time once again seemed to fly by, I was now nearly 5 months pregnant and I was swollen like a balloon. It made sense though- we had gotten an ultrasound only to find out that I was now eating for 4. We both were clearly shocked- triplets didn't come by easy. 

Junho was doing his first meet and greet since I got pregnant, and I had insisted that I go with him, growing more and more clingy by the day. I had long taken out my belly piercing, too nervous to keep it in as my babies grew. I waddled up out of bed and down the stairs, plopping down on the couch next to Junho. 

"Alpha...~" I purred, scenting his neck with my sweet pregnancy scent "Hey baby~" he cooed right back, cradling my face in his hands and pressing kisses to my cheeks. "Ready to go?" I nodded, accepting the hand he held out for me as we both got up and piled into the car, one hand on my belly protectively. I had grown softer and sweeter, my skin glowing and a good amount of chub piled on, I looked like the perfect picture of snuggles. 


Upon arrival, we were ushered into a backstage area, Junho whisked away before I could even think. I was a bit grumpy at him having to go so fast and plopped myself down on a nearby couch, yawning and rubbing my belly as I felt one of the three growing more and more active. I got a few awed looks- after all, I didn't leave the house often- and merely brushed them off, sleepily blinking myself awake. 

Junho came back over not long after and all but dragged my drowsy self to a nearby stage area, one where I could see what was going on. I purred at this, accepting the blanket he gave me and yawning "You can take a nap baby doll, I'll be right over there" I nodded, smiling and snuggling into the fleece blanket, quick to doze off. 


When I was woken up, I saw a stage manager in front of me, a bit nervous and stepping away once I was awake "Junho wants to know if you're okay with going on stage- people have some gifts for you" I blinked, but then nodded and smiled, ruffling my hair and standing up with a bit of struggle. 

The beta led me out, sitting me right next to Junho who grinned and pressed a kiss to my hair. One very nervous omega woman sat in front of us, a tiny purple bag in her hands "H-hi! My mom makes baby clothes a lot so I wanted to give these to you!" I perked up, my eyes glassy from emotion as I took the bag, pulling out a pair of tiny frog slippers and a matching onesie that read "tadpole" at the very corner. 

I was now full-on sobbing, nodding my head to the omega "T-thank y-y-you" I blubbered, wiping my eyes and smiling at her. I got her mother's business card and wiggled excitedly, smiling up at Junho like he was my world. The next person came up, cards and bags in tow, grinning at Junho with adoration. 

Her pheromones were going crazy and I wrinkled my nose a bit, focusing instead on folding the little frog clothes and gently placing them back in the bag. I felt eyes on me and the omega was grinning "Wow, you're really big for 5 months-" she leaned over and pressed a hand to my belly, startling me and making me growl at her "What-" I was in utter confusion, wrapping my hands around my belly protectively while she had the audacity to look offended. 

Junho looked livid, glowering at the fan "Please leave. That is not an appropriate way to act." the omega left, grabbing her things and marching off. 


Things went like that for a while, I got more baby toys and clothes, as well as a few cute stuffed toys. We were on the last person who was a rather polite beta male "Sasha-" I perked up at my name "How many are you having?" I smiled and rubbed my belly "Three- triplets" I purred in pride as my alpha smiled. The beta looked over the moon "Congrats!" we chatted a bit more and then called it a day, my back popping as I stood, one hand supporting my belly. 

"Good day?" my alpha asked, earning a nod from myself "Good day." 

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