14. END

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Sorry for disappearing, I was really sick for a bit and had to go to the hospital ^^; 


3 weeks later we left the hospital, thankful to do so; many had regarded me as stupid or less than for my lack of hearing, only providing me minimum care and explanation. Bennett wasn't able to come to see us, and according to Junho, was very unhappy about such. When we arrived home, I had my sweet little girl in a carrier and the two boys alternating between my arms and Junho's chest. The two boys, named Eun, and Ilya, were much smaller than our baby girl, Doyun, and most likely identical, though only time would tell. 

When we stepped through the door, Bennett came barreling into my free arm, hugging me tight and crying, in turn making me cry as well. I handed off Eun to Junho and held my sweet baby, pressing kisses to his teary face and signing slowly to him, making him grin and successfully stopping the tears. I felt a touch on my back, Junho looking flustered as Doyun and Ilya flailed and sobbed in his arms, I smiled and set Bennett down, taking both pups and signing one-handed to my mate 'Upstairs, nursing' he nodded and signed back 'Okay, love you' he walked off with Eun cradled in his arms, smiling and greeting his parents of whom I gave quick hugs to, apologizing with a smile and heading to our room. 


Bennett followed me up, sitting on my lap and facing me before slouching forward to snuggle into the left side of my chest, watching in adoration as I quietly nursed Ilya, Doyun whining grumpily in the crib right next to the bed. I was wrapped in a warm fuzzy blanket, one arm holding up Ilya, and the other rubbing Bennett's back and moving stray hairs from his face, my purrs putting both him and Ilya to sleep. Soon it was finally Doyun's turn, Ilya now snoozing peacefully in the crib, Bennett barely staying awake and having climbed further up my torso, his little baby face tucked into my neck, fingers gripped tight into my sweater. I was over the moon, smiling from ear to ear as I watched over my three babies, feeling a bit nervous about Eun downstairs without me, but calming down and trusting my mate. 

Junho came in not long after as Doyun finally fell asleep, Eun now wiggly and irritated in his arms, I grinned and took back my baby, scenting and pressing kisses to his teeny face. I was nearly shaking in happiness as I nursed him as well, nosing into Bennett who was yawning next to me, not noticing the quick picture Junho had snapped of us. My alpha slid into bed next to me, wrapping his arms around the three of us protectively, his face buried into my scarred neck. 

In the month I'd been gone, I'd learned Junho had used everything he could to find out where I was, even so far as to spread a picture of me across the internet, and my scent, something not unheard of, but rather personal. He looked tired and much skinnier than before, with deep circles under his eyes and messy dull hair. I could tell he felt guilty from the way he looked at me, moving Eun out of my arms and into the crib while tucking in the sleeping Bennett and then hugging me tightly. I stuffed my face into his neck as he rocked us back and forth, tiny droplets staining my sweater and wetting my neck; he was crying. 

I tried to move back to sign to him, but I could feel his growl and remained cuddled up to him instead, my own tears burning behind my eyes which eventually turned into chest-heaving sobs, the two of us crying hard in each other's arms. 

Things wouldn't be the same anymore, and we all knew it. 

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