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I woke up to soft kisses on my temple, Junho having returned back and looking exhausted. I took one look at him and began sobbing, letting him hold me in his arms as I blubbered and cried "Y-you left m-me..." I sobbed even harder as Junho had a look of agony and guilt on his face "Sasha... baby... I'm sorry... I'm so so sorry" 

We stayed that way for a second, Junho slathering me in apologies and even going as far as to delete most things about the show, and posting a sweet picture of us, me fast asleep in his arms as he pressed a kiss to my head. My heart felt like it was healed and I sighed happily, accepting the cuddles and warm bath he gave. 

It was early in the morning, around 4 am when we both went back to sleep, snuggled up to each other as we dozed, waking up once again at 8 am. I was sleepy when we woke up, him pressing kisses to my cheeks "Baby~" I groggily opened my eyes, wrinkling my brows "Hmmn?" Junho grinned and held me in his arms "Want to come on set today?" I perked up "Yes..!" my voice was raspy but I was clearly excited, purring loudly and snuggling further into my alpha.


As promised, we arrived on set around 10 am, Junho with a coffee and me with an herbal decaf tea. My hair was shaggy and in a half-up ponytail, a cute pair of loose joggers and one of Junho's sweaters. I sat down nearby, letting my mate get whisked away and nodding to a few people who smiled at me. Lillian was also nearby, seemingly reading over lines as they did her hair, sparking up a chat with Junho- in truth I wanted to go over there and snarl at her but I held back, instead opting to scroll through my phone and sipping my tea. 

Junho only managed to press a quick kiss to my lips before he had to go on set, my eyes watching them nearby. Junho's acting skills were nothing to sneer at, and I was colored impressed by his acting, despite the apparent stiffness when acting out love scenes between himself and Lillian. Breaks were called and I stood up to go greet my mate, pressing sweet kisses to his cheeks and smiling at him. 

Junho looked proud "How was I? Did I do good baby?" I nodded with a laugh "Yes, you were amazing~" I cooed back, snuggling into his side as he drank a bit of water, the makeup artists fussing over him again from my kisses. Lillian idled up, grabbing Junho's arm with a fluttery smile "Hi Sasha... weird to see you come on set today! But welcome..." she said with a tacky grin. I bristled but smiled back "Mhm... pregnancy with three especially is rather difficult." I mentioned, one hand going under my belly to hold the pups protectively. Junho only seemed to puff up prouder, groaning as he was dragged back onto the set, Lillian looking as though she'd won a war. 


The day was long and everyone went out for dinner afterward, at a simple Asian restaurant that had good rolls and beer apparently... all of which I couldn't have. None of us were told until we got there, Lillian and a few others have picked the place. I sat down next to Junho, sighing in relief as my back got a break, Junho reaching over to rub at my tense muscles. The others seemed to notice too, a bit concerned for me "Ah Sasha... can you have fish? Sorry, this place probably isn't good for you... I can't imagine how hard pregnancy must be!" I laughed wearily and nodded "Yes... I mostly sleep all day, a lot of foods are bad for me and the babies... everything is tripled too since we're having three" a few people, those who hadn't heard the news of triplets, looked shocked "TRIPLETS?!" I laughed and nodded, rubbing my belly as they kicked. 

Before anyone else could reply, the waitress came over asking for drinks. I ordered simple water, Junho as well, clearly wanting to stay sober.  Lillian hummed and smiled "I'll get sake for the whole table, bring out the nice bottle!" she looked over at me "To celebrate good filming today and the triplets!" I awkwardly nodded as the waitress came back out, pouring everyone a glass, except for me, my tiny cup remaining empty. Lillian raised a mocking brow "Sasha? Why do you have none?" I looked at her, dumbfounded "I can't drink whilst pregnant, sorry" Junho didn't have any of his sake either, pushing it to the side and wrapping his arm around me lovingly, sending an unappreciative look towards her. 

The rest of the night went decent, I only filled up on edamame and vegetarian noodles, avoiding any and all fish that I came into contact with, turning down MANY offers from Lillian to try a sushi piece or a sip of some beer. I was happy to go home with Junho, leaning heavily on him as I fought sleep, my eyes growing heavier and heavier. The last thing I remembered was getting into the car with Junho and falling asleep on the ride home. 

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