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The police had been called, HE was taken in for questioning despite his angry cries. I was helped up by a terrified EMT, looking at me as though I had a foot in the grave- which I was sure I did. I was laid back onto a stretcher, the adrenaline wearing off and making me crash. I gripped one of the EMT's forearms, my eyes wide "Pup" I slurred out, my speech a bit odd from lack of hearing "He's at school. My pup" I was breathing heavy, shaking slightly as they nodded, radioing it in. "I need to see my pup" I began to whimper and cry, shivering and trembling, I HAD to see Bennett!!


I woke up in a hospital bed, and everything was silent. I blinked up at the ceiling, my unborn pups still safe and sound, multiple IVs dripping into my bloodstream. Grabbing a nearby clipboard, I read my injuries down to myself. 

Infected perforation across the left side of face, untreated infection in both ears. Bruising, malnutrition. Neck scarring and burns. 

Hearing loss, possible deafness. 

My heart sank a bit- I could... I could work with this. I didn't hear the door open, feeling a touch on my shoulder I whipped around, jumping back a bit only to see Junho. He was talking to me but I just stared, no idea what he was saying but hugging him tight and sobbing, my face taking in his lovely smell and scent, one I'd clung to for a little over a month. 

His fingers carded through my hair, hands trembling as Junho held me close, rocking me back and forth. I was nearly relaxed, nose buried into his neck and purring loudly if the vibrations of my chest went by anything, before sitting up. "Pup" I managed out, my eyes flicking around for Bennett. 

Junho was talking fast, and I wrinkled my brows, only catching 'Child, war' from his lips. Children's Ward. I stumbled up out of the bed, managing to wrangle around my IVs and have them as some sort of crutch, my hospital gown soft against my bruised skin. I hobbled down the hall, whining quietly (though the looks from nurses said otherwise), and made my way to the kid's area, shuffling through a few doors looking lost until I finally found him; my pup. 

I smiled at him and he began to cry, making me scoop him up in my arms and rock him back and forth, pressing kisses to his clean hair, taking in his sweet pup scent. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I flipped around, flinching from a very irritated nurse mouthing at me. 

I had taken basic ASL when I was in school, shakily signing 'deaf' and watching her mouth weirder, eyes bugging at me and speaking 'long'. I wrinkled my brows and just turned back around, ignoring her, eyes focused on my baby, scenting him eagerly and holding him in my lap best I could with what I learned was my freshly 9-month belly, ready to pop any day. 


Weeks later I was allowed out of the hospital, under the Omega Clause, Bennett was now our legal child. I had taken ASL courses, picking up on it fast from my previous classes. I was by no means fluent, but both Junho and I could talk easily, even Bennett would sign to me, asking for simple things like 'hug' and 'kiss'. 

I was dozing off a bit when we finally pulled into our driveway, unloading into the house as I sighed 'putting baby to bed' I signed gently to Junho, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips before picking up my sleepy 3-year-old and tucking him into his newly modeled bedroom that had been built in the few weeks we were gone. 

I was different now, it was pretty clear. I was Deaf and scarred. I couldn't bear leaving Bennett alone for even a minute, scared to be alone ever, and my once delicate features marred. I had pink scars and old stitch dots across my face, cutting a clean slit through my brow and a spattering of tiny white lines alongside the deeper cuts. My neck was torn to shit, ugly scarred skin twisting around it, something I found rather hideous, yet every day when I woke up Junho would tell me how beautiful and stunning I was, that I was an amazing mama, and mate. 

It made my heart happy. 

I felt my alpha's arms wrap around me, cradling me from behind as he pressed kisses to my scarred cheeks, I let him lead me to bed, our old nest, tucking me in and petting me to sleep, watching over me as long as he could until he too drifted to sleep. 

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