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Over a month or so had passed and I had been moody, constantly feeling bloated and throwing up every morning. My alpha and I both had our assumptions- that I was pregnant. I was praying that was the case but at the same time wanted nothing more than to drag my fatigued body into my nest and sleep for years. Overall I was a moody mess of hormones and sleep. 

Junho rubbed my back as I lay curled up in bed, sleepy and tired, more so than I usually was as my mate tried to convince me to take the pregnancy test in his hand. "Baby please..." I sighed and teared up "I don't wanna move!" I was whining and whimpering like a kid, I knew it was immature but I was so comfortable... and warm... and tired... Junho sighed again and pressed kisses to my face, scooping his arms around me and pulling me out of bed. I grunted angrily and burrowed into him, sighing as he set me down on the toilet, sliding off my panties "Babe, just pee on a stick that's it okay? Then we can see if you're with pups" I begrudgingly agreed, kicking him out of the bathroom as I did as told, setting it upright on the counter when I was done and washing my hands. 


The next ten minutes were the worst of my life, I was clung to Junho, biting my nails and even pacing before I got too sleepy and went to snuggle up in an anxious daze with my mate. Once the timer beeped on Junho's phone, I shuffled into the bathroom, my heart leaping into my throat. Two little lines were drawn in blue across the test- 'pregnant' I was sobbing and crying as Junho wrapped his arms around me, peppering kisses to my face, both of us over the moon about our upcoming pup. 

Junho pulled out his phone and snapped a photo of the test in my shaky hands, setting it back down on the counter and hauling me into his arms, settling back down and snuggling into his arms. Pressing kisses to my hair I purred softly "Sasha, baby, can I post this? Our news?" I hummed in reply. Though I was semi-known through Junho's fan base, not many really knew who I was due to the rough month we'd had, myself mostly cooped up inside all day. 

Junho had even put off all his meet and greets for a while, only doing a few live promos under the fact he was recording a new album and 'his mate needed him'. It was sweet how much he was putting into me and I did as much as I could right back, doing mostly domestic things like cooking dinner for him and the staff, hanging out with Cassidy and her little pup Max when I was feeling up for it, and of COURSE, nesting everywhere. 

I had recently gotten a smartphone, still, no idea how to use it and was barely able to function on Instagram, posting a few weird pics every now and again, some people had connected that I was Junho's mate, meaning I wracked up around 5k followers, all of whom thought I was 'the cutest thing'. As soon as Junho posted the photo, my phone pinged... then again... and again... and again. I wrinkled my brows, picking it up to see that the account had blown up, a sheepish Junho wrapping his arms around my body and resting his hands on the cute little tummy I had. I was already showing- it was due to the fact I didn't take a test in the early stages and it seemed silly now that I thought of it. 

Junho kissed my cheek and scented me happily "I tagged you" he explained, my comments blowing up asking for updates, I furrowed my brows and tried to fumble around to reply to some, saying thank you to some, who seemed to get even more excited. I snapped a picture of Junho behind me, he was smirking in the picture, nose buried into my neck, and I looked sleepy and a bit lost. I hummed and posted it, a shaky caption reading 'Alpha is happy :)'. 

Within seconds the post blew up, the likes and comments rolling in. I got a few nasty comments and started to tear up at them before Junho set my phone down, rolling me away from it and caging me in his arms "No, baby. Don't look at those" I whimpered and nodded, my hormones off the walls as I curled into Junho, sleepily purring as I dozed off again, protectively curled around my belly. 

This life was perfect. 

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