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Time slipped by once more, and Junho became busier, his popularity only growing more and more to the point I couldn't go out in public alone without paparazzi bombarding me. I was nearly 8 months pregnant, and dozing off on the couch, rubbing my rather large belly as I yawned. The triplets were all wiggling around, making me shift uncomfortably every now and again. 

My phone rang and I picked it up, smiling as Junho's silky voice spoke to me "Hi baby, I just finished filming" he had recently been recruited to perform in a new series between him and Lillian- I was antsy but trusted him. "Coming home soon?" I pleaded, pouting as he hummed a no "Sorry my love, after filming dinner I have to go..." before I got the chance to reply, there were voices on the other end and he pressed a kiss to me through the phone "I gotta go now- love you bye" the line ended and I frowned. 

I knew he didn't mean it, but it still hurt... I sighed and got up off the couch- no point in staying up and waddled into bed, getting comfy and scrolling through social media for a bit. I rolled past a post of the new trailer, watching it with teary eyes. Both Lillian and Junho looked like the perfect movie star couple, and all the comments were squealing about how cute they were together. I sighed and ignored it, posting my own comment, a small heart and smiley face, congratulating Junho. 

I pressed it to the back of my mind and came upon Junho's feed. I smiled as I saw him grinning into the camera, a photo of him at a hotpot, everyone looked like they were having fun, Lillian sat next to him, all but curled into his side. My heart clenched and I was suddenly feeling very lonely, biting my lip to hold back my tears as I read the comments. 

♡ 12,679   💬  4,586

ToMarsandBack: What happened to Sasha? :( 

xXg4m3rG1rlxX: MY OTP! <333

lemon_lime_cargo: Where's Sasha?

blaAcK.mAgic: Guys Sasha is pregnant he's probably at home. 

hyungi.eeE: Junho and Lillian look like a couple! 😩  

The lump in my throat only grew as I shuffled up, clicking Junho's profile and scrolling. Most things were about new albums or the show... there was barely any of me. It hurt, and I just stiffed a smile and flicked on the lamp, taking a quick picture of my baby bump, my pale hand resting on top of it. Upon looking back at the image, I looked so... fragile, it made my heart hurt and my face crease into a frown, Junho hadn't been around me in ages... 

I sighed anyways and posted the picture, the caption reading "Babies are kicking~" I hummed at the thought of my pups and shifted in bed again, pulling out a book and reading. I hadn't been able to sleep very well without Junho for the past few nights, pregnant omegas were especially needy. 


The clock read one am and I was heartbroken- where was Junho? I sighed and called him, his drunken voice replying "hELLo..?" I sighed "Junho come home." he laughed loudly, coughing a bit "Stayin' at a hoteL! Eeeeeeveryone's wasted~~" my teeth clenched "Take a fucking uber" he shook his head, from the sound of skin against the speaker "NuH uHHH waht if they like... SteAL me......." I just sighed and hung up, throwing my phone across the room and sobbing into the pillows, curling up around myself and drifting off to sleep. 


When I awoke the next morning I was greeted by an empty bed and an equally empty house, my heart hurt and I made up the decision to start working again. I pulled open a laptop nearby, scrolling through job listings. I'd made my way through college with flying colors, but it was horribly difficult to find work as an omega, especially in the side of town I used to live in. To my utter joy, many listings popped up for elementary school teachers, and I was over the moon. I applied quickly, making sure to note that I was heavily pregnant, but would not be taking maternity leave. 

Clearly, people seemed to like that and I got a few offers from various schools, one as close as 10 minutes away from an elementary down to a pre-k and daycare center, perfect for my babies. I grinned and accepted the interview for today at 3 pm. It was almost 10 am when I finally got up and dressed, showering and waddling downstairs in maternity leggings and a soft sweater. I ate a large breakfast, cleaned my pans, and scrolled through my phone as I ignored Junho's feed, he didn't even message me to say sorry for last night. 

I huffed, getting up and sliding on some comfy sneakers, borrowing one of Junho's less lavish cars- a simple silver honda- and heading out towards the daycare, a little bags of things in tow. 


The interview went amazing, and I was hired on the spot, part of my MASSIVE paycheck was lowered a bit for the cost of daycare tuition once my babies were born, which I was totally okay with. I was heading to say hello and introduce myself to the kids, stepping through the door as pairs of little 4 and 5-year-old eyes landed on me. I grinned and waved "Hello! I'm Mr. R, how are you guys. Some little girls walked up, grinning "HI MR. R!!!" one of them squealed, giggling and running off, while another stayed "Do you gotta baby in your belly?" I grinned and nodded "Mhm, I have 3! Isn't that so cool?" the little girl nodded "UH HUH! Are they gonna play with us when they come out?" a few other kids had joined around, only a few stragglers left "Yeah Mr. R I wanna play with them!" I grinned apologetically "No sorry, they're gonna be so little! You guys are wayyyy too grown up for them! But once they get a little bigger they can" the kids seemed to like that and giggled and jumped around "Yeah I'm a super big grown-up!! Mr. R, I can climb all the monkey bars!" they gathered around and I sat myself down on a little cushion, getting to know the little guys and even reading a story for them upon request, which they LOVED. 

"Mr. R I like that you read stories good, Ms. Amanda never shows the pictures and her fingers get in the way. Are you gonna read for us a lot?" I tskd softly "Olivia, Ms. Amanda does very well, it's not very nice to compare people. Some people are better at some things than others, Tyler can climb all the monkey bars, right? Well, he can't braid hair like you, so it's not right to compare." she nodded in understanding "Sorry Ms. Amanda!!" she grinned at the lady and ran off as I said my goodbyes, the kids all whining and upset until Ms. Amanda announced that it was outside time. 


I was tuckered out by the time I got home and went straight to bed, rubbing my belly out of habit as the babies kicked and wiggled. Junho still wasn't home and it was already 9 pm, I was tired of waiting for him. With a few unshed tears, I drifted off to sleep. 

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