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I had finished my snack, now pouting in bed and rubbing my 8 and 1/2 month belly, sniffling quietly to myself. I'd heard the door slam shut downstairs and yelling a few minutes prior, the heavy footsteps hinting to my sulky alpha behind the door. I purred quietly and sighed, glancing up at him with glassy eyes as he sat down next to me, rubbing my shoulders and back. 

Once I was fully relaxed, one very boneless and happy omega, Junho pressed kisses to my cheek "I'm sorry baby..." I hummed in reply "'s okay~" I cooed back, my mood already lifting. "I fired Langley, and I don't plan on working with Lillian any time soon." I nodded in utter approval, grinning from ear to ear "Though I doubt the company will be happy about it, it's better than losing you." I purred in bliss, "Mhm... I love you..." I hoisted myself up and plopped into his lap, wiggling happily as he accepted my weight and wrapped his arms around me, plopping into the comforter to take another quick nap. 


I awoke once again at night, Junho having seemed to have left, letting me get my rest and a sweet note telling me he'd been dragged out to have a meeting with the CEO of his studio- and clearly not a happy meeting either. 

I trudged down the stairs, pulling on some leggings and Junho's most recent dirty sweater, rifling through the freezer to find we had no more mint Oreos, ones I'd purposefully slathered in peanut butter- it was another craving of mine, and something Junho thought was adorable, calling our pups Butters, Minty, and Mocha from the odd combo. 

I decided to just take a quick trip down to the store, grabbing my keys and sliding on some shoes. 


I'd successfully grabbed the goods and was heading back to my car, setting things in the trunk and getting in, only to see that someone had left an old Starbucks cup on my windshield. I grumbled angrily, hobbling out of the car and snagging it, but not before a hand clamped over my mouth, the sticky smell of something taking my consciousness. 

I tried to fight back, elbowing at the attacker and cursing myself for forgetting the pepper spray in my car, my mind racing as I began to cry, my vision going fast. 


I awoke in a basement, or at least that's what I assumed it was. I was tied by my neck to a metal loop in the wall, an old mattress under me, and a tattered blanket, I thankfully still had my clothing, though my shoes had been taken. I was shivering in fright, hiding back against the old cement and brick corner I was in, the rest of the area damp and dark. I could see very little from the few slotted areas in the trap door which I presumed led up to the living space of... wherever I was. 

To say I was calm was incorrect, I was shaking and shivering, tears welled in my eyes as I sat huddled in the corner, my gaze panicked and empty. I was dwelling on my thoughts, feeling sick to my stomach when the door was pulled back, my blood running ice cold, my breath catching in my throat. 

One small child was shoved down the stairs, screaming from what I assumed was an alpha male heard from above, cussing him out and calling him ungrateful. The door from above slammed shut again and I was still trembling- but managed to wiggle out of my corner a bit "Hey" I rasped, my eyes filled with worry "Pup" my brain was haywire, I just wanted to comfort this poor boy right now, and hopefully figure out what the hell was happening. 

The kid looked over and sidled up next to me, cuddling into my side and allowing me to hug him tight. He was no older than 3, shaking and shivering "Y-you're mama, papa said that. I said I had no mama and... and I got put in the hole" he explained, I shushed him and nodded, drying his tears. Seemingly I'd been abducting to be this child's mother of sorts... what kind of sick game was this?!

"What's your name baby?" I purred, stroking his dirty hair "Bastard" I flinched and shook my head, nearly sobbing for us "That's not a name... how about Bennett?" he nodded solemnly, snoozing off in my arms as I remained tense and on guard for as long as I could hold out, dozing off for minutes at a time before flinching awake again, fear gripping my rigid body- fear for my pups and Bennett, fear I'd never see Junho again, that I would be killed... 

God, help me. 

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