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My eyes darted to the voice in question, narrowing slightly. There was a rather stunning omega woman, her soft brown hair pulled back, a few strands strategically hanging and framing her face. She looked like the epitome of innocence, wearing a light and flowy dress; modest, yet cute. Junho nodded at her with a thin-lipped smile "Hello Lillian" she smiled at him, beaming and blushing which only made me prickle up more. 

Junho gazed down at me, running his fingers through my messy hair "This is Lillian, someone I'm working with on the next cover, and my manager-" the manager puffed up, sticking a fat and sweaty hand out to me "Lasley, Junho's general manager, and guidance" I smiled politely, shaking his hand with a smile "Hello. Sasha Nikiforov, Junho's mate." The beta prickled at that and I only grinned back, loving the way Lillian seemed to recoil and Lasley glowered in distaste. Junho held me tighter, pressing a kiss to my hair with a grin "Well, glad introductions are over, we'll be leaving." Junho nodded to Lillian a bit coldly "See you in recording." 


We took a fancy elevator up to the 3rd floor, met with a fancy setup and tons of people running around, a few sending me questioning glances. I was sat down on a plush sofa with an overview of the recording studio, a warm blanket wrapped around me and a tiny fridge with water and snacks pointed out. I purred quietly for only Junho to hear, smiling as he puffed up in pride like any alpha caring for their mate would. There was a call for recording and Junho leaned in, capturing me in a kiss and gently stroking my face "Baby..." he was pouting, clearly upset about having to leave me in an unfamiliar area, no nest in sight. I shushed him gently, smattering sweet butterfly kisses to his face "I'm okay Junho, go record I'll watch, do your best~" I purred and chirruped quietly, just for him and he grinned, pressing one last kiss to my forehead and darting off to record. 

It wasn't even five minutes until someone came and plopped down next to me, I grew defensive, feeling exposed without my mate but then quickly calmed when I saw it was an omega, one with a little pup in her arms nonetheless. I smiled as she also grinned at me "Hi! I'm Cassidy, I'm mated to Lucas, he's one of the sound people" she waved her hand and rolled her eyes playfully "He insisted I come today- it's usually so boring here, I heard you're Junho's mate? You're absolutely adorable, you both are SO cute~!" the little baby in her arms gurgled and bounced happily, and overall sense of peace and joy, filled me. 

I grinned as well "Yes! I'm Sasha it's so nice to meet you. Who's this little guy?" I cooed at the baby, my omega instinct taking over at the sight of the plump little baby "This is Max! Say hi~" she waved his tiny hand at me, earning a serious of coos and awes. "He's just precious!" I purred, Cassidy looked proud, continuing to cradle the baby- I knew better than to ask to hold a pup as young as this, any good omega mama wouldn't let people hold their pup till they were at least 3 or 4. 

I smiled and sighed "Junho and I are trying, I recently had a short heat so we're hoping things turn out positive" Cassidy grinned and nodded "Oh yes! I wish you both the best! Max is our 3rd, lucky little three- I was told 'no more pups!' and then POOF, I proved them wrong!" Cassidy looked incredibly happy, myself as well with a nod "The other two?" I asked, brows raised. "Our oldest is Colton, he just graduated high school, and the second is Mira who's going into high school soon, they all adore Max" I purred and we continued to chat about pups, making my heart swell for mine and Junho's 'maybe' pup. 


We talked for ages before both our alphas came back from recording and Max began to get cranky, leaving Cassidy, my newly found friend, to leave and go home early despite the sulking from her husband. I welcomed Junho back with warm kisses to his face, handing him some water which he happily took. "Hey baby~" he purred "You and Cassidy?" he quirked his brow and I smiled in excitement "Talking about kids- makes me anxious for ours." I rubbed a hand over my belly with a smile, hoping to any god who could hear me for a pup of our own. Junho grinned as well, pressing kisses to my face and cheeks. 


The rest of practice went smoothly, despite the fact that Lillian continued to try and grab my alpha's attention- it was honestly irritating. Once we had arrived home, I quickly settled right back into my nest, purring away happily and dozing off into the blankets, the fast food we'd gotten long forgotten on the table as Junho curled up with me, both of us passed out in a matter of minutes. 

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