chapter 1: The terrarian (mini rewrited)

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The old tale of the cruel world relates the existence of a being the one lives with forsaken and accursed life, he faced the burning fire of hell just to survive with mayor scars that show his resolve and pure determination, all this event caused this man  want to become god, his obsession, anger, and trauma are what made this man become something that caused the world to fall into the burning wrath and control, that man- no that monster's name is

Yharim The Jungle tyrant

Yharim The Jungle tyrant

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He was born as a human, to then embrace the pure feeling of power.

He gained an armor capable of resisting every attack, a sword that could cut to gods until they werent more than a simple, an army with demi-gods in his lines, and he continue on his way to complete his only mission which was becoming the one and only god that in his eyes is what the world needed the most, but his tyranny and lust for power only created a calamity that destroyed the one's who tried to oppose  him 
he will try to achieve it even if he needs to kill everything in his path including allies.
with everything clear down his path, it seemed that he had won...

but then another human appeared, the terrarian was his title and long lost in time title that was given to those who grew in strengh and with some time and streght they will be to compete against greater gods, Yharim knew this but since his power was far greater than gods, and his army could destroy enslave entire country's with just their prescence he didnt mind him, he thought that the terrarian was just an small fy and that he was going to die if try to even fight one of his soldies, but he was worse than wrong, the terrarian manage to kill greater enemies in his path gathering strengh little by little to the point of,even some being close to demi-gods in terms of power.

Yharim was getting more and more paranoid, he needed more power and control, and the new enemy needed to erradicated, at the end yharim disappear in a mission to look for some way to get more power leaving some of his best soldiers in charge of killing the enemy that appears unbeatable, and in those soldiers the strongest and more loyal to yharim where ...

the serpent, the dragon, and...

the brimstone witch

The first to fall to the terrarian's hands was the serpent the Devourer of Gods, he was blindly trying consume the Terrarian and adsorb his power and increase his power, but has his servants fall one by one, he did as well, leaving nothing but mere metal that the Terrarian used to make weapons to get even stronger.

The first to fall to the terrarian's hands was the serpent the Devourer of Gods, he was blindly trying consume the Terrarian and adsorb his power and increase his power, but has his servants fall one by one, he did as well, leaving nothing but mer...

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