Chapter 8: Nightmare of the Tyrant.

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~~~Pov Calamitas


Is the only thing i can feel now.

My heart was broken, and all my future was erased before my eyes.

I feel like ill breakdown at any moment, and succumb to this feelings.

But not is not the time to cry.

If i really want to have a new future...

I need to survive.


I was sitting on my bed, still thinking about the situation, but i already know how to get out this place, ill be an item no more... .

Calamitas: "This night is perfect time, and i already know what to do..."

Calamitas: "your own weapons will be your misfortune for now on... Yharim."

And as i said this words, i get out of the room by window and start my mission to freedom.

Even if this place is underground there is windows in every room, we could to ceiling of the cave, and the army's training grounds.

My current objective is to get pass the training grounds and get the weaponry, and then i have to free my clone, it will be useful for me in the future.

But before leaving i take something from my pocket...

an small spherical clock that inside had a picture of me with my real name on it.

Calamitas: "From now on... Ira doesn't exist" With this words and a the silence of the knight, i burned to ash the item.

~~~Pov Yharim

A peaceful night, no problems, no attacks, neither a danger, but... i can't think straight, there is something wrong, i already checked on the witch's presence, and she is still in her room, I need that clone done by now, she is a too dangerous for my plans.

I need those clones done by now, and after that ill have to get rid of Draedon too...

those were toughs that resonated through my mind while i impatiently walked around my throne room, every step i take could be heard resonating through the halls of the palace, my anxiety was rising, i couldn't calm down, but at the worst moment i hear someone running towards here.

???: "Sir-"the figure stop himself after seeing me holding my sword towards his neck.

???: "u-uhm sir sorry for interrupting by this is an emergency"

My eyes shot open, it was happening.

Yharim: "Speak now!" I increased the pressure of my sword into his neck, making the soldier bleed slightly from the cut.

???: "The golem... Has suddenly broke out, and its system is jacked we can't control it." The soldier barely said.

Silence, there no answer from me, the pure dread of nothingness overcome me, the one i fear most just started. 

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