Chapter 3: Stained Brutal calamity

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~~Narrator pov

She arrived, her tunics crimson red with golden details all over them, and a hood that make it impossible to see her face.

Calamitas: "terrarian..."

She levitated in the air while releasing a powerful aura.

Calamitas: "Do you enjoy going through hell?" she said before a burning feeling formed in the air.

Flames of burning flames started flying through the air, The terrarian started dodging the fire, just by being close to these hellish flames, he could feel the burning flames heat just by seeing them.

As for the witch she sees the terrarian using a golden armor, very similar to Yharim's armor, even if she didn't show it, she was afraid if she lose a destiny worse death could wait for her, something worse than the curse... even with that in her mind, she keeps attacking.

The burning flame blasts stopped appearing, the witch stopped her attack and just stared at the terrarian with anger and disgust 

Calamitas: "You should have just died" the witch said before using her magic once more.

The terrarian jumped into the flight after seeing the witch using magic, but then he saw a giant bone centipede creature that had red fire orbs at the end of every segment.

The terrarian used his wrathwing to try to damage the beast but it was useless, the creature responded to the attack by shooting multiple darts of pure brimstone fire, one hitting the terrarian

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The terrarian used his wrathwing to try to damage the beast but it was useless, the creature responded to the attack by shooting multiple darts of pure brimstone fire, one hitting the terrarian.
The pain was extreme, even if it was a small thing, the terrarian knew that he couldn't afford to get hit by anything no matter what it was. And then the fire started burning the terrarian he could feel that those flames could even burn his soul, and as a quick burning start, it also stopped, thanks to his auric tesla armor the damage wasn't fatal.

Now knowing what could happen to him if he got hit once, he started flying around dodging every attack that the creature sent to him and also trying to find its weakness. 
And he did, he saw some red hearts that were flying, so he quickly uses his wrathwing to destroy every single one of these hearts one by one, and when he destroy the last heart with his weapon the creature disintegrated into ash.

The witch saw he kill her summon so, flying down next to him and start throwing powerful fire blasts into him, some of them even exploding, but the terrarian managed to dodge them and start using his weapons to damage the witch, thankfully for her, the force field she put in herself was enough to block the powerful weapons, but at the end, it still took a lot of energy to recover that defense.
But even with that little problem she still had the upper hand in this fight.

Calamitas: "It wasn't too long ago you barely managed to defeat my doppelganger. Quite the failure, wasn't it?" she mocked the terrarian, she had a small telepathic connection with her doppelganger so she knew that the terrarian almost died in that fight.

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