Chapter 8: No longer "godly"

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~~~ Pov Ira

5 years.... its been 5 years since im at Yharim's side, even after so long... i still have feelings for him...

Even if im stronger im not so different from my 13 year old self.

I try to confess them, but he always is working on something or is not even in the palace...

Well i tried to flirt with him, but even with that he seems denser than the ceaseless void... 

But this years were really interesting, not too long before i join, i meet his pet, yharon.

When i first hear that i imagined a some war wolf or cat, but i never imagined it to be a very fucking huge dragon-bird THAT CAN TALK FOR SOMEHOW to be his pet, but even with that yharon seems very... polite, he is like an older brother, and somehow he doesn't like violence, and tries to kill the less as possible.

But in another side of the spectrum we have... him... that serpent with over inflated- no ultra huge ego, he is really powerful not gonna lie, but it has been times that he got seriously damaged because his sneak attacks or good planed assaults, He call himself the "Devourer of Gods" even if he only consumed demi gods, and his current prey is Providence the sun goddess, but Yharim had told me if he finds her and eats her somehow, he will personally end the worm.

Even with the that worm annoyance something good came with, that worm found an... robot? android? i really don't know what is he, but he found Draedon a black smith, scientist, and more.
I actually don't dislike him, but the way he acts is too mysterious, he acts to satisfy himself with data and all of that mechanical stuff... 

But something that doesn't change is my loyalty to him, and maybe when gets all this done, i could be at his side forever...

~~~ early in the morning 

A new day has started, and today is going to be a great day.
I started like every morning jumping from my "bed" and using magic to clean myself, not that efficient but useful nonetheless. 

I got out of my bedroom or like "personal headquarters" that what Yharim calls them, he really doesn't have a sense of humor, he needs a vacation or at least a break, even Draedon has a better sense of humor , a very mechanical and science based humor, but humor nonetheless.

Without more think about it, i got up and went directly to the "operations" room, a large room with multiple machines and big technological table in the middle with some chairs.
When i arrive i was greeted by Yharim telling me to sit down, i followed his order, and then he told me to wait, the rest is coming.


After waiting for 20 minutes, i see Draedon arriving, and sitting down in one of the chairs.

This seems kinda serious, lets see what we-

???: "HEY HEY HEY, WHY DID YOU CALL ME YHARIM?!" i hear an familiar annoying voice say.

Ira: "you got to be kidding me..."

And in flash of purple flames an small familiar appeared glowing purple, marking that this was only one of his magics, and more notable that this version was only 30 centimeters long, making him very small.

DoG: "Why did you call me all the sudden?! I tell you to don't call me if you don't a god to offer me, maybe i should eat you right no-" 

I quickly punch the table making me take the attention of the worm.

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