Chapter 9: Diary of a tortured one

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~~~~~ Day 0

A book, something I can write every moment I need to remember but now this will be a way to keep my head over my shoulders. Still, there is no use anymore, Calamitas the brimstone Witch escaped the claws of that Tyrant, and now I'm free, but I got a bad feeling, so ill start writing my thoughts and events for this part of life, maybe I could find have a peaceful life after this.

~~~~~ Day 1 

As it is obvious I'm moving to a place far from the jungle, this is my current objective and for now, it is my only hope, I have to be careful when I enter a populated place even if they don't know my appearance correctly, they are lesser mages than can detect my magic, they can't stand me with their weak magic compared to mines, but they could cause a loud enough accident and probably getting the attention of Yharims army, just one mistake like that and they will inform him about my location.

But for now, I need to get out of this jungle, it will probably take some days, to go without using my magic to fly but it is safer than using risking myself to exposure by mana detection, thankfully just my physical strength and my skills in hand to hand combat are incredible, so no being normal being in the jungle could get even close to damaging me.

Now I should continue my path within this forsaken place.

~~~~~Day 4

I'm out, I'm finally out of the jungle, now only the vast desert awaits me, but it will be no problem maybe I could find a village there, but I'm just glad that I'm not in the jungle anymore, the desert seems fine by now, thankfully I don't that much water and food to survive, only need it once a month so with the resources will probably be fine.
Still with me out of the jungle I need to go further, I don't want to be even close to the jungle ever again, so going to the ocean or the sky islands will probably help me.

But now let's cross this desert, and continue my way.

~~~~~Day 9

This is... strange, I manage to cross a good part of the desert, I thought that ill is out of there fast, but then I found a giant desert city, and a giant wall, just at the border of the desert, I used some extra clothes I stole from a body I found 3 days ago to hide and dispose of my old clothes, I looked like a bandit or an errant but it didn't look suspicious somehow, when I arrived the first thing I did was steal a little bit of money, and directly go to the closest tavern, the place had quite a lot of people in but I didn't mind it that much, so I went to sit on a chair, and order the cheapest meal.
Even though it seemed useless I manage to get some information about the border, for what I have heard it was closed 3 months ago, because of multiple allegations of Yharim's army from some outside resource trading, now the border got even harder to cross, and if don't want to draw to much attention ill need to cross someway no matter if is legal or not.

But now I'm exhausted I haven't stopped walking for 9 consecutive days, ill use a bit of this money to get room to rest.

~~~~~Day 17

A lot has happened in just so little time, so I accidentally help this girl that was being robbed and she was thankful to me, I really didn't care about this girl called Alexa, well to the point she said that she could help with everything I needed, so I tell her about that I had to cross the border, she says that thankfully it was the only thing she could help me with, she is kinda... stupid but is helpful for now.

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