Chapter 5: An accursed... Ally?

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~~~Early morning  Terrarian's base...

The sun started to rise once more, showing his glorious light marking the start of new day, in this beautiful morning we could see the terrarian sleep on the floor... what a bizarre day is about to start.

~~Y/n pov...

 "hmmm... uh its already morning?" i said while standing up from ground.

"why im on the flo-" i quickly remember what happen yesterday

"oh yeah thats why..." i said to myself while standing from the guard.

"ow... my back kinda hurts" i crack my back with a little, maybe it wasn't a great idea sleeping on the floor.

"i should check her state." i said before walking to the room the witch was staying.

When i enter the room i could see she asleep in the bed, i took a look a her, i would be lying if i say that she wasn't beautiful, but for now i will not let my guard down, she tried to kill me after all.

I sit on chair that is there, why didn't i sleep in this chair? i don't even know myself i was too tired to even think yesterday.

anyways i sit on the chair and grab a book that i had in purple and started reading it.

The time slowly advanced through the day, why i was feeling nervous, it wasn't fear but still it was a weird feeling, and all of this continue until...

Calamitas: ".... w-what were are i am?" she awaken.

"good morning sleepy head..." i said jokingly but she was kinda...

Calamitas: "you..."


Calamitas: "where i am, why im in a be-" she stop seeing around the room and turn her sight to me, and it was scary she look angry very very angry.

Calamitas: "what did you do to me?!"She said with anger and tried to use throw a crimson blast to me, but only sparks came from her hand.

she slowly look at her hand and then try to use magic again only to get to get the same results

Calamitas: "W-what?! no not again" her angry expression turn into a scared one.

Calamitas: "did you do something to my body, don't tell you-" she said while backing up from me.

"wow wow wow, wait don't think like that, i did nothing to you, i only put a small magic suppression spell in this room you will be able to break when you fully recover your magic. For now i just want to talk with you." i said trying to calm down the witch.

she sit on the bed and her expression into a neutral one, looks like she understand it.

Calamitas: "speak now, terrarian" she said now with cold voice while having her head down.

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