Chapter 7: His "Godly" light

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The sun was at the its highest point in the sky, marking the end of half of the day.

And in this bathing sunlight, in a arena we could see, two beings.

A witch wearing a hoodie with a cat logo, long pants and a very unfriendly face.

and man with normal clothes meditating in the ground, with an artifact in his hands.
A strange aura could be seen surrounding the man, the aura was evil in all words the power of pure destruction and misery.


The Worst and most powerful form of magic.

Calamitas: "Now lets see, will you dominated it or will you perish from the magic pressure" the witch said to herself 

The power got greater and greater by the seconds, and the pressure was breaking part of the floor, but this was not problem for the witch.

Calamitas: "His magic pool is not bad and he dominated it perfectly, the real problem is that the artifact is infecting it... and its probable that he ends up losing his mind from the agony..."

In a second the power got even greater, breaking the ground and the air pressure got even heavier.
But the witch was still standing like it was nothing.

Calamitas: "Don't let my hopes for you die..."

The aura totally assembled with the body of Y/n, only the silhouette of him was visible in the colorful yet evil power.

the aura was getting bigger and bigger releasing more and more power, and the witch started to get a little worried.

Calamitas: "If this continues , it will start to damage his body and mind beyond-"

But suddenly the energy stopped and the aura disappear, and the man that was engulfed in the energy was now standing with a little of red aura surrounding his right hand.

Y/n: "I... I did it!" he said while looking at the aura of in his hand with big smile.

The witch seeing the success of his friend gave him an soft smile.

Calamitas: "impressive"

Y/n: "Ow my head..." the terrarian said before starting falling backwards, thankfully the witch manage to catch him in her arms.

Calamitas: "You really are someone really special cursed magic for pure humans is lethal, but you manage to hold it in your body and even control."

Y/n: "Hehe... thats cool but this is mentally tiring" he said before looking at his hand with a more serious face.

Y/n: "i felt something...  pure anger like the feeling of just pure wrath, is this what you were feeling when that curse was still on you."

Calamitas: "maybe i should explain this to you..." she said before he sitting on the ground and putting Y/n head on her lap.

Both lightly blushed but because what was happening they didn't mind it., the witch continue with her speech 

Calamitas: "what you just felt was Cursed magic, the pure energy without technique to help it, or enchantment that refined it." she while lifting a finger, and releasing the magic on it.

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