Chapter 10: A place to call home

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A place where someone can finally feel safe

A place where you can rest your tired soul and flesh

A place where we feel in peace

But for some a home does not give comfort

With loneliness that home that gives comfort, only end ups being a cell

until they find someone to share that space with

Turning that prision into a warm place you can call home


Calamitas POV.

I laying on floor, my breathing was exalted, i felt tired, my gaze could only see the bright moon decorated with stars of the night truly a wonderous view.
I tried to sit up to see my surroundings, everything around was either destroyed or burned, even some tress had catch on fire.

???: "W-well this was... a good way, to train curses" 

i heard a voice at my right and when i turned i saw my newly formed ally, the terrarian.

Y/n: "I-I can't feel my arms... I'm tired" 

Who was currently also laying on floor face down to the ground, he had several burn marks and his breathing was also very heavy, he was tired like me, even in that state he was holding the weapon i gave him.

"Congratulations... you are getting the hang of it" i said while standing up from the ground and getting off some dust from my clothes.

Y/n: "I... felt weird I could feel the darkest of that energy going through my body, it feel powerful but it feel painful in way" he said while standing up from the ground.

Y/n: "Like if it was damaging my soul, my humanity... my existence"

His gaze was lost while looking at the weapon a gave, he had a blank expression, i could his soul be slightly tinted with effect of the curses, trying to consume him, but yet...

Y/n: "But i believe I'm strong enough to withstand it." 

His soul never faltered at that.

I could only give him a small smile while looking a him with pride.

Y/n: "but im still lightyears part on getting to your level of control over cursed magic" he said while storing the dagger in his purple bag.

"Well that is because, you are a normal human, even if you got stronger to rival gods, your soul has the same nature, unlike mine that is a calamity driven soul, in another words, for me cursed magic is like you using normal magic because of my cursed nature" i explain to him.

 Y/n: "that's why nature magic damaged your soul when cursed you?"

"Indeed, but the curse he put on me was vast different for normal curses, he used his own energy and put pure nature mana around my soul barely making contact with it, basically he had my soul caught in knot ready to be pulled and choke the life out me" i said while grabbing my neck softly my hand remising the idea of what the curse was.

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