Chapter 6: Playing with her fire

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~~Y/n Pov.

Calamitas: "Partner..."

After she said that, only two things crossed my mind, one being excited for that 'power of curses' she just talked about, and then the feeling that her tone was kinda scary but also... hot?
Am i masochist or something?

I ignored the second though and focused on what was occurring.

"ho?... what you have in mind, and what is that thing?"

Calamitas: "ill give access to power of cursed specs with a little cost in between of course, and this thing..." she move her hand out of my shoulder and put her hand behind her back, and with a little bit of magic she made the artifact float to my hands.

Calamitas: "Is a brimstone locus, that will help to see what objects you can curse and transform into cursed items, but also it will help ME, to enchant your weapons with some of my handmade curses."

I was checking the item, seeing from every side, i could really feel the cursed energy in this thing, and also matched the colors of calamitas clothing.

Wait clothing... 

"Oh shit!" i shouted surprising calamitas, who also took a step back in surprised.

Calamitas: "the idea sounds that bad?, i though you wanted to test curses" she said with little confusion, disappointed and... sadness? now i kinda feel bad.

"wait not that, i just remember, we haven't change our clothes, or even take a bath."

Calamitas: "really? that was your problem, i don't see how this is something wrong, hell i even think my clothes are clean as a sta-" she took a good look to herself, her clothes were in a horrible state, the hood and part of clothing of the right shoulder were torn apart into nothingness, a lot of the golden details of her clothing were mostly gone, the lower parts were incredibly burned, and everything was stained with mud, and some of my blood.

Calamitas: "now that i think about it... ill accept your offer" she blushed of embarrassment, which honestly i look kinda cute, but ill never said that out loud if i want to live of course.

"well go down the hallway and you will find the bathroom, thankfully i have made one, you can use it." 

she listen to end went to the bathroom.

"well now i should check how my normal clothes are" 

i used magic making my armor disappear leaving me with my normal clothes that were kinda burned and turned apart, and they were showing a lot of skin.

"it isn't that bad-"

Calamitas: "hey y/n you have towe-" she stop herself and seeing me with my broken clothes.

Calamitas: "oh... t-those are really damage" she said while slowly seeing me from top to bottom, and she had an small blush on her face. Now this is getting a little strange...

Calamitas: " you should really take a bath first, you look like where used like a gardening tool, and also where are the towels i kinda need one."

"o-oh don't worry about that i have to get your new clothes, and that will take a while, so go ahead." this situation really got awkward really fast, so i quickly got into the storage room, and took a big towel from there and give it to her.

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