The Start of Our Journey

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[As much as I hate beginning with Author's Notes, here's the key:
(C/F) Cookie is (Cookie Flavor) Cookie and (F/C) is favorite color.]

Things were finally looking up for the Vanilla Kingdom. Its new people were happy–many Cookies heard of its revival and joined the villagers in their efforts to rebuild; the ruins that they had come to–created by the Dark Flour War–were mostly rebuilt; and everything really seemed in order.

Everyone was happy. That should be enough...
That was what Pure Vanilla Cookie kept telling himself anyway. He just felt empty without his dear friends. He felt that the kingdom would never be the same. While it was certainly a relief to see the Cookies getting together to help one another, it just felt hollow without familiar faces to share it with.

That was why he suggested they expand to the Raisin Cliffs and forests around them; he didn't want to be reminded of Cookies he would never see again.
What was even better was that without the reign of darkness, the forest grass started to grow green again, birds and other animals of all sizes started to return and do their own kind of rebuilding.

It was beautiful, but it wasn't enough.

Nothing was enough.

He should be happy, right? The home he had built for Cookies long ago had been saved from perpetual destruction! He had saved Earthbread from total destruction and with the help of GingerBrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Chili Pepper Cookie, and Custard Cookie III he had defeated Dark Enchantress Cookie again.

He couldn't think of himself as a failure for not being able to save everyone...

(C/F) Cookie had only stayed behind long enough to ensure he and the others had gotten there. That crispy soul had stayed behind to try and fight the swarming forces by themself, to protect the civilians while they fled, and had only stopped when he insisted they get out of there. They had been determined to help.., and he had never been able to repay them for it.

Pure Vanilla Cookie stares up at the beautiful blue sky. It's a beautiful day, surely that's something to be grateful for. He is glad that Black Raisin Cookie doesn't mind his hobby much, and that some of the other Cookies were happy to join him in it. He looks out over the grassy expanse dotted with fluffy, pink sheep, all happily grazing on the fresh grass.

It's peaceful to watch them all. Anyone who doesn't take the time to know them would just see them as stupid animals, but they're not. The sheep are just like Cookies (in a way): they have their own distinguishable personalities, they form little friend groups (and can even recognize different Cookies), and they bring Pure Vanilla Cookie so much joy.
The quiet bustle of the flock always helps him forget about what's bothering him.


"Oh? Hello there." He pats the sheep trying to sneak under his arm without thinking, "Did you get bored with... the..." He looks at the sheep and trails off.

Unlike the soft pink color of the others, this sheep was (F/C). [I swear if someone goes "but that pink is my favorite color" I will chuck my computer out the window. Since I don't want to do that, if your favorite color is light pink, the actual skin of the sheep is pink, and the wool is white. This is your cursed sheep.]
It stares innocently up at his face. "Baa!"

"Well, aren't you an interesting sight to see?" He grins, "Certainly not like the others... You're extraordinary."

The animal tilts its head, as if confused by what he's saying. It sits beside him.

"Oh, were you concerned about me?" He continues to pet the sheep, "I was just thinking about a Cookie I knew... I wonder if they're out there somewhere..."

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