Captain's Tales: Shepherdess of Light

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With a new skill mastered, a "debt" worked off, and a fluffy pink companion, (C/F) Cookie set off to the north, trying to come up with a solution to their current predicament.

But while crossing through the desert again, they saw something completely out of the ordinary.

A creature that appeared to be made of ice (but not melting in the harsh sunlight) was zipping around looking at every inch of the sands.

As they were staring, their companion started nibbling on a cactus, and complained very loudly when (C/F) Cookie decided they didn't want to stick around to see what, or who, that thing was.
A loud bleat echoed around the landscape and next thing (C/F) Cookie knew, they were face-to-face with the stranger.

"Hello there! It's nice to see another face out here?" The Cookie? says. "Goodness! I've never seen a sheep like that before? Is it yours? Can I pet it?"

"Uh..." They try to process what is going on.

"Oh sorry! I keep forgetting I'm not a normal Cookie anymore! I'm Sherbet Cookie! And your sheep here reminds me of a friend of mine! I really miss her..."

"Well, I'm (C/F) Cookie and... this sheep technically belongs to a friend of mine, but..."

"Oh... I'm sorry." Sherbet Cookie? frowns, "Wait! You could go visit my friend, and meet her sheep! I'm certain she'd love to meet you! Oh! And maybe you can tell me about yourself while we're going there!"

"Uh, I'm (C/F) Cookie... I was the Captain of the Guards in the Vanilla Kingdom. I'm actually from this desert..." They say, confused by his extreme enthusiasm. "You must really miss your friend... why are you out here all alone?"

"Oh! Well I only recently ended up like this! I came out here to explore the world!" He grins.

"Wait... how did you end up like that?" They gape.

"Oh! That's quite the story! See..." He begins his tale.

The sheep nonchalantly eats a cactus as he tells it.

[if you haven't seen Cotton Cookie's story you can look it up yourself-]

"Hmm..." (C/F) Cookie hums in thought once he finishes.


"Well, I'm on a quest to try and gain the strength to stand against the Armies of Darkness."

"What are those?"

"They were the forces lead by a powerful Cookie who trampled Cookies across Earthbread, leaving ashes in their wake."

"Oh!" He gasps.

"I've been trying to gain the skill needed to combat such creatures, but my... personal quest has amounted to nothing." (C/F) Cookie frowns.

"Then let's head north to visit my friend!" Sherbet Cookie smiles, "Maybe we'll find what you're looking for on the way!"

"I hope so..."

So frost herald, captain, and sheep set off to the north, taking a brief stop in a forest where a powerful tree lay sleeping–there was nothing of interest there (unless you count a centaur Cookie with a loud horn).

"Goodness, it looks like there's going to be a blizzard tonight..." Sherbet Cookie says, looking at the sky.

"So we're close to your home?"

"Not really..." He shrugs, "It's actually quite a ways into the snow. But it would be better if you took shelter for the night."

"Ok, but what about you?" (C/F) Cookie asks him.

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