Ship to a Lonely Forest

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Having gone everywhere he needed to in the market (and coaxed the sheep to leave the vegetable stand) Pure Vanilla Cookie set off to find an inn—again.
He now regretted not asking one of the Cookies in the market for directions, but it was a bit late for that now... so now he was instead wandering the streets.


"Hmm? Oh!" He spots the dock his little companion was staring at, "Yeah, that would certainly be faster than walking all across Earthbread. Oh! They even have a little sign with their passenger policy!"


"Hmm..." He reads the little notice, "I don't know if my passport is up to par with what they require..."


"Ha ha! It's actually just a joke a friend and I made! I don't really have a passport from back then." He laughs, then looks around, "Oh! There's the inn!"

The Cookie and sheep make their way into the inn(which Pure Vanilla Cookie double checked it allowed "pets"). The inside was a nice quaint little waiting room with stairs leading up to the rooms themselves.

Pure Vanilla Cookie went to the desk while the (F/C) sheep deposited itself on the rug by the chairs to sit down.

"Hello there! How can I help you?" The nice Cookie at the desk says cheerfully.

"Are there any rooms that allow animals available?" He asks.

"There certainly are! I assume that little sweetie over there must be yours." They laugh at the mound of fluffy wool behind him.

"They certainly are." He chuckles at the sight.

"Well, the cost would be 50,000 coins."

"Here you are then." He pulls said money from his stuff. He had spent quite a bit here... he likely would have to camp for the rest of the trip.

"Thank you! And here is your key! Your room is 203!" They hand him the key. "Be sure to turn it in before you leave."

"Thank you." He gets the tired sheep and they go up the stairs to their room.

Opening the door, he smiles at the room that was just as quaint as the lobby. It was a nice change from his chambers.

"Baa." The sheep flops onto the small bed that was clearly made for animals.

He laughs as it wiggles around to face him again.

"Comfy?" He jokes, sitting down on the bed.


He laughs harder. "Well, we'll certainly want to appreciate any time we can sleep in a bed." He pauses, the thrill of being on the road had distracted him from his thoughts, but he still didn't have very many answers.
Judging by the lack of Vanilla Kingdom architecture, this village was not where he was looking for.
"I wonder if my people made it far enough away before the explosion..."


"Ah, look at me, lost in the past again... I suppose I just really miss my friends..."

The silence that filled the room weighed on his shoulders like guilt. He turned the lamp off and lay on the bed.

The next morning Pure Vanilla Cookie awoke to something shoving itself on his hand (which is hanging off the bed) and faint sunlight streaming in the window.


"Noo!" He whines, pulling his hand away, only for a strong grip to grab his sleeve. "You're just like (C/F) Cookie! There's no such thing as a late morning to you! Up at the crack of dawn..."

Forever and Always (Pure Vanilla x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now