Little Town by the Sea

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[Am I going to start putting all the dumb drawings of this sheep I make at the start of the chapters? Maybe—]

To Pure Vanilla Cookie's surprise, the (F/C) sheep is a very good companion.
When he was hopelessly looking around trying to find the path, they always seemed to know where to go. Not only that, but they are an excellent listener and almost seem to be trying to reply when he speaks to them.
He doesn't know if he'd have been able to manage without their company.

But once they finally reached the edge of the forest, they came to a small town.
"I didn't know this was here..." He marvels to them as the two of them stare at the many buildings, "I wonder if the Wafflebots ever managed to get close enough to here to attack..."

"Baa." His companion stares at his face, before starting at a slow trot into the town, wordlessly telling him to follow.

It looked completely ordinary, but his especially torn clothes made him stick out in the crowd.
It made him acutely aware how once they got into town the sheep refused to leave him farther than he could easily grab them. Something he was especially glad to know he could do because he doesn't know anything about this place.

"Hmm..." He says to the animal once they'd reached the square, "I think we should pick up a map and maybe a few jellies. Since I'm not entirely sure where this journey will take us, it would be a good idea to be prepared and know where we are."


"Maybe I should also see if I can buy a pair of shears, I don't want you growing into a massive ball of wool." He chuckles.

The sheep does not reply.

"Yes, I know how to shear a sheep. It's part of taking care of them."


"Hello there sir." A Cookie approaches him, "Are you from the village in the forest?"

"Oh, uh, no actually..." Pure Vanilla Cookie answers nervously, "I just came from the Vanilla Kingdom. Now that it has returned the village has become a part of it."

"Ha ha! You must be joking! The Vanilla Kingdom returning is an absolutely absurd idea!" The Cookie laughs.


"I'm not." Pure Vanilla Cookie pats the sheep's head as a way to distract himself. He knew that revealing his identity here would probably not be the best idea... as this town doesn't seem very friendly to outsiders. "I would say you could go see for yourself, but it is quite a ways into the woods."

"Oh I wouldn't set foot in there even if I was given a million crystals." The stranger waves him off, "The last Cookie who went in there came out in terrible shape, totally crumbling. 'Said there were whirring bots and a crow Cookie who told him about the village."

"Did the Wafflebots ever reach here?"

"Nope! The crow Cookie made sure of that. Told us all to stay out of her way."

Yeah... that definitely sounds like Black Raisin Cookie...

"Hmm, I know who that would be..." He nods.

"Though some of the villagers—like yourself— have come by every now and then, buy food and such with the coins they find." The Cookie shrugs. "But never once have they brought one of you back here." They point at the (F/C) sheep.

It stares at them, an unusually cold look in its almost blank eyes.


"Yeah, this one has been living in the woods from what we know. Just showed up one day." They explain, "No one could really stop it from doing whatever it pleased, so we all just gave into its whims."

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