Thirty Minutes

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"I feel overdressed now." (C/F) Cookie fiddles with their new sash as they and Pure Vanilla Cookie walk to the Airship Port.

"You're practically wearing what you wore yesterday." He snickers.

"I know!" They exclaim, "But now it's fancy!"

"Oh! There you guys are!" GingerBrave runs over to them, "We're just waiting for you." He suddenly gawks at (C/F) Cookie, "Woah! That's a cool sash, (C/F) Cookie!"

"Thank you." They respond with little emotion.

"We are just on our way now." Pure Vanilla Cookie shifts back to the previous subject, "Why don't we all go together?"

"Sure!" GingerBrave's smile then immediately drops to a frown, "Say, Pure Vanilla Cookie, have you seen Black Raisin Cookie? I haven't been able to find her anywhere..."

"HEY!" Crunchy Chip Cookie yells at them from the port, "Hurry up!"

"Oh! Right! Sorry..." GingerBrave smiles sheepishly, running for the airship.

"On the subject of leaving..." Pure Vanilla Cookie keeps a calm smile on his face, but his tone becomes very stern, "If I hear you don't take care of yourself while you're gone, I will pet you whenever I please, regardless of what form you take.

(C/F) Cookie's soul might have just left their body. In a soft voice they mutter, "ok," and pray that things go smoothly.

"Be sure to write. I do wish to know what sorts of things you get up to." He continues.

"I won't be gone that long..." They mumble.

"I will still miss you."

"...I'll miss you too." (C/F) Cookie sighs.

"Be safe." He pulls them into a hug, "I love you."

"...I love you too." They stiffen with embarrassment as they hug him back.

(C/F) Cookie waited by the Soul Jams' vessel before the airship even took off. They didn't want to say one last goodbye to everyone because they were worried Pure Vanilla Cookie would cry, which would mean they'd cry, and no one needed to see that. Instead they waited until the airship took off in order to go onto the deck.

"The Vanilla Kingdom looks tiny from up here!" GingerBrave gasps, looking over the edge of the airship.

"WHOAH! Look at that!" Crunchy Chip Cookie does too.

Wildberry Cookie is unimpressed by their behavior.

"What? Have YOU seen a kingdom look so tiny before?!" Crunchy Chip Cookie says defensively.

(C/F) Cookie peers over as well, a sudden rush of adrenaline making them stiff as they stare down at the tiny kingdom. The war has ruined traveling by air for them forever.

"Uh, (C/F) Cookie..." GingerBrave tugs their coat sleeve, "Are you ok?"

They tear their eyes away from the sight that's making them paranoid, "Nothing I haven't seen before..." They trudge back over to Soul Jam.

Pure Vanilla Cookie stood at the docks a long while after the airship had departed. They hadn't been gone for half an hour yet and he was already worried about (C/F) Cookie. Even as he kept telling himself they'd be fine, he couldn't help but wish they were back at his side and he could give them another hug.

"Ha ha." Hollyberry Cookie's smug smile catches him off guard. Her and Dark Cacao Cookie weren't leaving until their Soul Jam were safely returned, so they'd have even more time to catch up now. "Worried about your Captain, are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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