Captain's Tales: Ship from a Lonely forest

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Many years of little progress later, and (C/F) Sheep had come to the conclusion that staying with the aging shepherdess wasn't going to help them figure out what it is they now are.

They figured she'd be fine if they left, as long as the cotton sheep didn't follow them, so they didn't bother her much when they departed. They had managed to find directions to the nearest town aside from the little snow covered village before setting out and headed that way in hopes that they'd figure out if they could turn back into a Cookie.
They were pretty sure they could, they had gotten close a few times, but they couldn't ever actually do it.

But that isn't their main concern at the moment. As a sheep, they're unable to do all sorts of things: pay, communicate, and—most importantly—get taken seriously.

"Baa!" They dodged the fifth cart that day pushed by someone not paying any attention. They weren't quite certain what to do... this is a fishing town, so most of the routes from it are by ship and it would be a miracle if they stowed away and didn't get caught. Leaping into a dark alleyway they shake themself off and try to think of what to do.

"Hmm?" A Cookie grabs a handful of their wool and drags them back further into the dark.

"Baa!" (Hey!) They don't struggle because it's not like they can get robbed, but the stranger doesn't let go once they're staring them in the face.

Narrowed eyes stare into theirs (which Cotton Cookie told them never seem to change).

"A sheep?" The stranger says, confused, "What's an animal doing so far away from the town of farmers?"

"Baa!" (Let go.) (C/F) Sheep wiggles in their grip, trying to shake off their hold.

"Ugh!" The stranger drops them, "I have better things to concern myself with." They walk away into the dark.

"Baa..." (What's their problem?

The sound of sailors trying to coordinate the placement of their shipping is a happy one for them to hear, and they ran off towards it.

Coming to see the unskilled sailors trying to figure out how to pack the boxes on the way their captain wanted gave them the opportunity to slip onboard without anyone noticing.

This was a completely different sight than the ship they're used to. The poor sailors preparing the ship to leave were trying to teach a nervous islander how to tie the knots needed to hold the rope in place. The Captain was having to hurry around, barking orders at the crew and correcting their mistakes. It makes (C/F) Sheep wonder if the old crew mutinied and a new, less experienced one had to be hired. That wouldn't surprise them; this Captain seems much gentler than the pirates ever were.

This voyage likely won't be very smooth...

They hide themself in the cargo—as they're small enough to fit in a box—and wait. It was a good few hours before the ship even left and by then they were regretting their decision to get on the ship.

Oh well, now it's too late!

They have no confidence in these sailors, but any slight distress—like a sheep—may cause them to accidentally sink the ship, killing everyone on it—including them.

So instead they tucked themself in the nice corner and tried to go to sleep.

An embarrassing nightmare and a few hours later, a loud clap of thunder awoke them.

Oh... that's not good!

They scurry over to the hatch and push it up with their head, staring at the chaos on the deck.

The poor captain was trying to give orders to everyone, with unsure responses and "Is this right?"s back.

They climb out onto the deck, unseen in the chaos, and try to figure out what they could do to ensure they don't die.

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