(Holiday) Christmas Cake

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(A/N: Hi! It's been a while! Cookie Odyssey killed my motivation to work on this the past few months, so this chapter is to try and get me back into the swing of things.
Also I've been writing other stuff so please tell me who's out of character.)

It's the snowy time of year again.

It was strange, really. (C/F) Cookie was so used to snow just being there after spending so many years with Cotton Cookie that they didn't notice until Pure Vanilla Cookie laughed for joy.

"(C/F) Cookie! Look!" He smiles, pointing out the window, "It snowed!"

"Yes." They nod, "I had to walk through it to get over here."

"You're welcome to stay with me in the Castle, you know." He frowns at their stoic attitude. "I imagine it was rather cold with just your old coat for warmth."

"I'm fine." They frown at his concern, tugging on their (F/C) coat. "It was always colder than this in the mountains."

"If you're sure." He then smiles brightly, "Say, did you hear about a new cake shop that opened for the holidays in the Cookie Kingdom?"

"I think I heard some Cookies talking about it on my way here, yeah." (C/F) Cookie nods. "Why? Did you want to get a cake there?"

"I was thinking we could get one to share it with other Cookies and another we could have ourselves." Pure Vanilla Cookie chuckles.

"Would we have to order them separately?" They frown.

"We wouldn't have to, but I'd prefer if you pick whatever kind of cake you want for us to share." His smile drops a little.

"I'm fine with anything, really." They shrug, "Why don't you pick?"

"Because I want it to be special, just for you and me." He smiles sweetly, "Besides, I don't want to risk it getting eaten by someone else!"

"Touché." (C/F) Cookie shrugs.

"So get yourself any cake you want. But I do have one request, just so it doesn't get mixed up with any other cakes we get."

"And what might that be?"

"Have them draw a sheep on it."

"Do you enjoy mocking me this way?" (C/F) Cookie blushes at the suggestion, "I am a highly sophisticated animal that is good enough to be Cookie royalty."

"Who likes it when they are scratched gently behind the ears." Pure Vanilla Cookie adds with a snickers.

"...If I get the cake will you promise not to embarrass me in public?"

"I promise." He smiles.

"Then let's go."

Standing in the line was more bearable than (C/F) Cookie thought it would be. They just held Pure Vanilla Cookie's hand somewhat awkwardly and let him talk about how excited the Villagers seemed for Cookiemas this year.

"You do know they're totally going to throw you a party, right?" They say to him.

"Yes! I'm already excited for it! I look forward to having a wonderful time with all of them." He nods. "Aren't you planning on coming?"

"I'm not sure I want to go... I've never been a fan of parties." They frown.

"That's because you never give yourself the chance to relax. It's Cookiemas (C/F) Cookie! Give yourself a break!" Pure Vanilla Cookie teases, nudging them playfully with his staff.

"Is that an order?" They snicker.

"You can consider it as such if you will actually follow it with that mentality." He is unable to stop himself from laughing.

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