Pilgrims in the Sand

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[I forgot the sheep—]

The mountainside of the Hero's Gate was rather impressive. Clearly it was meant to guard something...

Pure Vanilla Cookie pushes on the door and they swing open, revealing a large white sugar golem.

"Huh?" It yells.

"Hello." Pure Vanilla Cookie greets, we're trying to pass through, he points in their desired direction.

"Baa." A confirming bleat and nod from his companion seem to confuse the golem further.

"I—You may pass...?" It says.


"Most travelers are going the other way. So I guard this gate going the other way."

"Oh!" Pure Vanilla Cookie laughs, "Yeah, we're going this way."

"Where are you traveling from?"

"The Vanilla Kingdom."

"What?!" The Sugar Golem's voice echoes around the cavern.


"Yes..." Pure Vanilla Cookie nods nervously.

"Baa!" The sheep tugs his sleeve to continue down the path.
He wholeheartedly agrees and starts walking down that way, ignoring all the statues of himself. "We'll be going now, goodbye!"

After they turn the corner, the animal lets go of him and shakes itself off.

"This place... we're definitely going the right way..." Pure Vanilla Cookie looks around. While the statues of him in the Vanilla Kingdom were easy to ignore, the ones here feel they are staring into him, like they are disappointed in him.

"Baa..." A fluffy presence beside him tucks itself between him and his staff.

"Ha ha! Don't worry about me... it's alright..." He pats their head—though a part of him knew his words had no effect. "Let's just go."

The sugar beings paid the two no mind as they weren't going the way most that passed through went.

"Oh!" Pure Vanilla Cookie exclaims, seeing a much more impressive statue of himself.

"Baa? BAA!" The sheep sprints up to the statue, staring at its face.

Pure Vanilla Cookie follows, but instead of looking at the statue, he grabs the bandanna still around the sheep's head and pulls it off. Then he uses the fabric to blindfold his sugar likeness's eyes.
"This isn't me... this is a foolish Cookie who was so blinded by the light he wields to see the suffering and beauty of all around him." He says sadly.


"I did not understand things then the way I do now... staying in the little village really allowed me to do quite a lot of reflecting." He continues, "That's why I gave them what was once my kingdom. I saw how much happier Cookies, especially myself, were when we were all equals.
Even those I didn't know personally were willing to offer me help there, something that never really happened before... I suppose I was quite intimidating..." He snickers before frowning, "...or everyone else assumed I never needed the help."

"Baa..." The sheep shoves itself under his free arm (the other being occupied with his staff).

"I also just find this statue uncomfortable. Come, let's leave it be." He leads the way continuing down the path.

"..." The sheep looks back at the sugar statue before following behind.

"Oh! I remember this! It's not quite what happened..." Pure Vanilla Cookie smiles at the tapestry on the wall. "I'm surprised that people remember me this way..."

Forever and Always (Pure Vanilla x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now