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The blonde tugged at her restraints, feeling more blood run down her arms. Hissing, she slumped against the wall, annoyed at her ex-best friend.

You will pay for this....

Until my last breath, I swear it to you, Lisanna. I will kill you.

With that thought in mind, Lucy pulled against her restraints once again.



Oww..... Why can't I move.....my head hurts.....my whole body hurts.....

The pinkette groaned again, feeling himself being carried somewhere. Scrunching his face up, Natsu attempted to open his eyes but his eyelids were too heavy to move. Instead he groaned louder, hoping to get whoever was carrying him's attention.

"Natsu.....calm yourself....I'm trying to get you to the hospital...."

Why is Erza taking me to the hosp—!!!!! Lisanna!!!!! .....she....she attacked me...

The boy started shivering, without realizing it and squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He felt himself being set down before he heard the sirens on the ambulance.

....h-how bad....?

The pinkette groaned again and heard a gruff voice growl before feeling a needle prick his arm. In moments, the pinkette yawned and slowly fell into a troubled sleep.


The blackette frowned as he walked down the street towards a coffee shop. He had just woken up and wanted to get some hot chocolate before he met Erza over at the hospital.

Course he's hurt....damn idiot rushes into things without thinking things out first.....

Gray rolled his eyes, chuckling softly. He glanced up from the ground and pushed open the door to the coffee shop. Walking in, he spotted the brunette that was at the hospital when he was.


He blushed slightly, remembering what had happened that day. The blackette sighed and walked over towards the line but he didn't have a chance to make it there before he heard someone call his name.


He turned and saw the dark brunette watching him with wide chocolate brown eyes. She blushed slightly, glancing down at the cup in her hands.

"Hey. I don't think I ever got your name..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed that he never asked what her name was. She glanced up at him again and smiled slightly.

"Kenzy. Kenzy Gracewood."

Gray smiled, holding out a hand.

"Nice to see you again, Kenzy."

She shook his hand, giggling softly.

"The pleasure is all mine, Gray."

The blackette chuckled softly and held her hand a moment longer than needed before he pulled away, glancing towards the line that was slowly going away. The brunette blushed and rubbed the back of her neck.

"S-sorry....I'm probably keeping you from....whate—"

"No! ....um...I mean....n-no...your fine....I was on my way to the hospital.....are you going in today?"

The brunette raised an eyebrow at the boy before nodding.

"Yea...I was on my way there myself...you don't look hurt....but....you're okay....right?"

Gray nodded, putting his hands in his pockets.

"I'm fine....I'm going cause my friend got hurt...."

Kenzy nodded, a smile tugging at her lip.

"Well why don't we walk together~?"

He shrugged slightly, smiling.


With that, the two exited the coffee shop and made their way to the hospital.


The red head nodded slightly to the doctor. Natsu was in his room with a cast on his left leg and all of his cuts had been bandaged up. She glanced at his door, worriedly before glancing back at the doctor.

"So....how bad?"

The doctor gave the red head a pitying look before glancing at his clipboard.

"Well....he young and strong so everything will heal....but he will have to stay at the hospital for about three weeks at the most."

Erza looked at him confused.

"Why so long...? He just got some cuts and a broken leg....right?"

The man in the white coat nodded.

"Yes. Of course, but with what you said, the boy was attacked. Correct?"

"Yes. By a crazy psychotic bi- I mean girl...."

The man smiled sadly as he watched the girl.

"Of course. Many of his cuts were infected and his leg was fractured in three different places along the bone. Along with the fact that we just want to make sure there won't be any.....mental....scaring for the boy. Being attacked can be very traumatizing....s—"

"So in other words, you people are keeping him longer than normal to make sure he isn't going to go insane?! That's idiotic! He will not stand for that. We'll be lucky to get him to stay for a week!!! His GIRLFRIEND has been kidnapped by the same bitch that attacked him!!! There is no possible way that any of us are going to be able to keep him here when Lucy is still missing and in danger of dying!!!"

The doctor watched the girl fearfully as she growled quite loudly.

"Listen to me carefully. That boy in there doesn't look like he can do much damage but believe me when I say he can. Now don't tell him I said this....but he's an amazing guy. He has a strong will and I respect him. He's going to go a long way. Something like this....if he's stuck in here....and he can't try to save her.....that's how he would go insane....."

With that final word, Erza turned and walked into Natsu's hospital room, leaving a speechless doctor in her wake.


Ello lovelies~

How are all of my lovely followers?

I had a question~

Are you all enjoying this book~?


I wonder~~~

That's all for now~~

Until later~~~

Love you all~~~~

Bai bai~~~

~kitty_barbie~ ♥

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