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"Where's Levy than....?"

The red head looked over at the black haired boy. He was looking at the ground.

"She's with Lucy."

"So she's....she's in danger.....no....."

"Gajeel....we'll sa---"

Before the girl could finish speaking a knife flew right past her face, slamming into the wall and holding a piece of paper dripping with a red liquid. Erza walked closer smelling the metallic scent of blood. She read the note aloud.

"Hiya~ I only wanted to update you all on the health of your little friends~~~ the blue haired one is now dead and you can thank me~ she was such a crybaby... Lucy's barely holding on~ her death is coming soon~ -L"



"No!! I failed her!!! Damnit!!!"

The blackette was clutching his head, curling up into a ball on the ground. Erza was about to take a step towards him when another knife flew in and landed next to the other. Another note was stuck t it.

"Oh~ and she wanted to tell some guy named Gajeel... t-that she loved him.....those where her last words.... -L"

The red head looked up as the blackette froze. He looked up, watching the girl quietly.

"S-she loved me....a-and....I don't even gt to say it back to the shrimp?!?!"

He stood and ran outside, surprisingly the white haired girl was standing right there. She was waiting....for him.

"So you're Gajeel?~ How very ni--"

"How could you kill her?!?! She was all I had!!!! I promised her I'd protect her!!!! I promised her!!! And you killed her?!?! She saved me!! I.....I didn't even get the chance to save her....."

"She was weak."

"She was not! She was everything you could only dream of being!! She was smart and beautiful and a bunch of other pretty, mushy lovey dovey words!!! Levy....she was all I had left....I can't believe you....just killed her...."

"Well you better~"

She grinned as she reached into her coat. The boy walked closer to her, glaring daggers at the girl.

"What did she ever do to you?! Why did she de---!!!!"

The white haired girl had pulled out a gun and shot the boy in the heart. Smirking, she pulled the trigger again and aimed for his head, speaking loudly.

"She was nice to Lucy. It disgusted me."
"Lucy Heartfillia~ Did ya miss me?~"

The pink haired woman walked in, smiling evilly. The blonde stayed quiet.

"Oh come now~ won't talk to an old friend?~"

Still the blonde stayed quiet. Virgo narrowed her eyes, stalking closer to the girl. She hissed loudly.

"Lucy. Answer me."

There was no reply.


The woman grabbed a handful of the girl's hair and yanked up. The girl faced the woman but said no words. The pinkette growled.

"Speak, Lucy. Speak. Now."

She didn't. All she did was glare at the older woman. She refused to say anything. The pinkette yanked on her hair again, harder this time.

"I gave you an order, Lucy Heartfillia. I expect you to do as I said."

Even though the woman was terrifyingly close, the blonde still chose to stay quiet. The woman did not agree with Lucy's stubborn decision. Virgo slapped the blonde, hissing.

"That will mean extra punishment for you, Lucy Heartfillia. You are not to disobey me again."

The woman raised her arm, holding her whip and smirked.

"I wi---!!!"

"You talk way too much."

The pinkette fell to the ground in a daze of blue light. A black haired woman stood next to the white haired woman with a taser in her hand. Lisanna smirked.

"Oo~ Lucy~ I have a guest who's just dying to hurt you~~~ from what she's told me~~ Sting chose you over her~~ how sweetly gross... It's funny 'cause I believe that he told you he loved you~~"

The blonde raised her head, glaring at the girl but saying nothing. The white haired girl gave a small wave before exiting the room. Minerva walked closer, shaking.

"Lucy....what did he see in you that he didn't in me...why would he prefer to be in your company....?"

"You know he's dead, right...?"

"You killed him....you killed someone who chose to say 'I love you' to you......how could you kill such....such an amazing guy....?"

The blackette looked down, tears welling in her eyes. Lucy shook her head.

"I didn't kill him....Lisanna did....she is trying to ruin my life....he made me happy....I would never hurt him...."

Minerva growled, looking up at the blonde. She narrowed her eyes at the blonde.

"Lies. I hate you. You stole and killed the only good thing in my life! I can't believe you!"

With that the woman kicked the blonde in the stomach.

"Let's have some fun, Lucy. The killer is getting punished for her crimes."

Lucy sighed, hanging her head. She didn't know why she tried to convince the black haired woman of something other than what she was told. She knew she wasn't going to listen. It was a silly idea.

Lucy closed her eyes as the blackette begain to have her fun.
Ello lovelies~

I hope you enjoyed this chapter~~~

Twists and turns, here and there~

Ya never know what'll happen next, do ya?~


Until next time~~

Love you all~~ *huggles*

Bai bai~~

~kitty_barbie~ ♥♥

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