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Lucy hung her head quietly. She felt tired. Oh so tired.

The blonde grunted softly as she shifted slightly. It had top have been weeks now since she had seen anyone but a small maid who came in too give her water once a day. Weeks. The blonde scoffed. It felt more like months. All she did was go in and out of sleep. She saw nothing but darkness. Felt nothing. She could hear nothing. Nothing.


She wasn't angry.

She didn't want to cry.

The door crashed open as she glanced up at it. Her head felt heavy and she could barely lift it. She blinked open her brown eyes, watching as a white haired girl came in. She walked over to the blonde and unlocked the claims that held the teen up. The blonde fell to the ground and groaned, She could feel the pebbles and dirt digging into her thin skin. She coughed, surprising herself when no blood came up as well. Lisanna prodded the blonde with her toe.

"I'm surprised you're not dead yet."

Lucy grunted in response. Lisanna crouched down, smirking.

"No worries. It's time to say goodbye now, Lucy."

The whitette pushed the blonde up and held a blade to her neck before trailing it down to her stomach.

"Good riddance, Lucy."

The knife cut through her skin easily, her pale skin quickly turned dark red as the blood seeped out of her. The blonde felt no pain, only sadness.

Natsu.. I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough..

As the life emptied out of the blonde, she watched in slow motion as the doors flung open and three people stormed in. A red head, pinkette and a blackette. Natsu glanced over and spotted Lucy right away. The color drained from his face as he rushed forward and went to attack Lisanna. She laughed softly to herself as she showed herself to be tackled.

"I knew you were all coming. She won't make it. She'll be dead soon."

The blonde was starting to see black spots. She was slumped against the wall, starting at Natsu. He would be the last thing she'd ever see. The noises around her slowly disappeared as her eyes slowly fluttered shut. Natsu teared up.


Lisanna smiled crazily.

"I win."

Natsu fumbled over something as he grabbed the knife from Lisanna's hand. The knife that had just killed his Lucy. Lisanna smirked.

"You don't have the guts, Na--!"

She didn't get to finish her taunt before the pink haired boy drive the knife right into her chest, hitting her heart dead on.

"Rest in hell, Lisanna."

The red head and blackette pulled Natsu off of the girl, making him drop the knife. The white haired girl convulsed and then went limp. The red haired girl whispered.

"She's dead."

"They both are."

Natsu glanced over at the blonde before stepping over to her and crouching down next to her. He cupped her cheek, frowning as the tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't budge as the sirens began wailing in the background.

"I lost."
Ello lovelies~

Sorry for the wait! Just so you all know the next chapter will be the last chapter. It should be up without the next day or so.

I hope you've enjoyed!

Until then!~

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