Chapter 1

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"Stop writing and let's get ready" My best friend said to me as she passed me by the round kitchen table in her house.

"You know I'm not looking forward to that dinner" I said and finished the last sentence in my notebook.

"It's your parents Adria" she said putting some white pearl earring in her ears.

"Haven't seen them being my parents ever since I turned 14" I said and closed my notebook and looked at Jolie as she straightened her dress.

"I know but we have to go so go get ready" she said and I rolled my eyes and walked into her guest bedroom which had turned into my bedroom for the past few months. Ever since I moved out of my parents house.

I pulled out a black dress that had a tight top and a flowy skirt that ended right above my ankles. The dress had long tulle sleeves that showed my arms but also made them look covered.

I put on a gold necklace that my grandma gave me that I wear every day and fixed my hair.

"You ready?" Julie came in the room and asked me.

"Yeah" I said and took my small handbag.

"It's gonna be okay" she said and gave me a reassuring smile.

My parents always wanted to be the parents everyone else looked up to. I always had to dress a certain way, talk a certain way, for which I am thankful because I do have great manners but when I turned 16 and wanted to proceed my dream in writing romance novels they were disappointed.

They always had dreamed of me going to one of the best universities in the world no matter how far they were from home, they wanted me to be a doctor or an lawyer, maybe they even would of been happy if I had become an astronaut but instead I chose to study literature.

Me and Jolie got into the car and drove to the restaurant where my parents had made a reservation for us.

Jolie was my best friend since I can remember. We're practically sister from how long we've known each other. We met in kindergarten and haven't been apart ever since. She has really supportive parents, who are also wealthy, just like mine, but for them money isn't important. They took me in just soon after I turned 20 when I got in a fight with my parents and promised them I would never step a foot in their house again.

I don't really miss my parents, as we would constantly fight, but I do miss my younger sister. We had a really close relationship, we still do but since my parent disapprove of me and my life choices they are scared I would be a bad influence for her so they don't let me see her very often.

"Ladies" the driver says as he opens the door for me and Jolie letting us out of the car by the fancy restaurant.

We walk inside and the worker leads us to the table where my parents were waiting for us already.

"You're late" my mom says the second we sit down.

"It's only 5 minutes" I say and take the menu that she passes to me.

I look over the menu while we sit in silence until the waiter comes and asks for our order.

"So Adria, how are you doing?" My mom asks me while she takes her wine glass from the table and takes a sip.

"I'm doing great, thank you" I respond.

"How's Mila doing?" I ask about my little sister.

"She's doing great, she's the best in her class" my mom says in a proud voice, trying to make me feel bad about my decisions.

My sister isn't the perfect child, never has been never will be, if I have to be honest she likes to pick a fight with my parents more often than I did. But the thing is that she's always wanted to become a doctor, not because my parents encouraged it but because she genuinely is interested in medicine and that's what makes her my parents favourite.

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