Chapter 41

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I heard loud banging on my door that made me get up. I was still on the floor. The wine glass had spilled and stained my beige carpet red. Fuck. I put all the baby stuff away in the box and into the drawer.

I pulled on my robe and the banging on my door didn't stop.

"Coming" I said and opened the door one minute later.

"Adria, you need to come down to the training" one of the workers said.

"Why what happened?" I asked thing my robe tighter worried something might of happened.

"Lucian is gone somewhere and Tobias needs help" he said and I felt like a knife was stabbed in my chest when I heard him say that Lucian was gone. Was he okay?

"Okay, I'll come down in 15 minutes" I said and the worker nodded and I closed the doors as he left.

I went to clean myself up realising that my mascara was all over my face from crying and the worker had seen it. I washed it off and applied some new one. I got dressed and made my way downstairs to the training area.

"Thank God" Tobias said seeing me come down.

"Where's Lucian? Is he okay?" I asked.

"Yeah he's fine, just needed to take care of some business" he said.

"What business?" I asked and Tobias looked away from me at the recruits.

"What business Tobias?" I asked again taking his attention.

"I don't know" he said shrugging his shoulders and I could tell his answer was genuine.

With that we got into training the recruits and we were almost 2 hours in when I was already sweating my ass off and begging for some air.

"Okay let's take a break" Tobias shouted clearly feeling the same way as me and everyone walked to different corners of the rooms chatting while Tobias threw a water bottle to me that I caught and almost drank half of it immediately.

"I'm going to be dead tomorrow" I said and Tobias sat next to me.

"You'll be fine loser" he said and screwed the cap of his water bottle closed making the plastic of the bottle wrinkle and make a sound.

I looked around the room and couldn't find that hot red head of hair.

"Where's the redhead?" I asked Tobias.

He also looked around the room. "No clue". He said and I felt my stomach twist. Lucian and the redhead both missing training. Suspicious.

My mind travelled to many dark places, I started overthinking. I remembered the talk we had yesterday, the hurt in his eyes.

"I'm sure it's fine" Tobias said poking me with his elbow in my side noticing me start to overthink. I looked at him and gave him a sweet smile.

Then I looked at the entrance of the large room and no other than Lucian walked in. His hair was now messy, his white shirt rolled up to his elbows. His face emotionless, even mad.

He looked at us for a quick moment and then walked away. Tobias got up to go over to him and I was left alone.

What a surprise, not even a minute later redhead appeared. Great. Just great.

I felt stabbing pain in my heart, chest and my throat developed a lump so big it was hard to breathe. I'm not sure why my body was reacting this way, but the worry inside of me grew, making me nauseous.

"Come one everyone, let's continue" Lucian shouted and I grunted with everyone else and got up from the floor.

We were practicing fighting. No one was getting hurt, but we were just learning protection and imitating fights. It was still very tiring.

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