Chapter 33

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Adria's POV:

I woke up my head spinning like crazy and when I sit up I almost threw up. I was in Lucian's bed, with him next to me passed out. And we're both completely naked. Oh God what happened last night.

I checked my phone and it was 1pm. I got out of bed and put on Lucian's shirt that was just laying on the floor by my side of the bed and went to take a glass of water.

I took a sip of water trying to keep it down but I couldn't so I had to rush to the toilet and throw up. I washed my mouth and walked back into the bedroom. The room was trashed, clothes everywhere, Lucian's pillow was on the floor, and the small coffee table was broken in half.

What the actual fuck.

Lucian started to wake up and I could tell that he was feeling just as bad as I was. He slowly sit up and forced his eyes open to look at me and when he did he noticed the room around us.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"Don't remember" I said and went to lie back down in bed.

"Did we have sex?" He asked confused by the fact he was also naked.

"Looks like it" I mumbled in the pillow trying to sleep but every time I closed my eyes the room kept spinning.

Lucian's phone rang and made my head hurt even more.

"Turn it off" I said burying my head under the pillow.

"It's Tobias" he said and picked up.

Lucian's POV:

"How you feeling boss?" He asked but I could hear he was already laughing.

"Great, I don't remember anything" I said and rubbed my eyes with the palms of my hands.

"Oh I can tell you everything" he said and laughed so loud I had to take my phone away from my ear for a second.

"I'm not sure I want to know" I said when he stopped laughing.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you man, on the marriage" he said and laughed again.

"Shut up idiot" I said back to him and Adria rolled around and pushed up against me.

"Well there's not that much to tell, other than the fact that you got super drunk, let the whole underworld know you're married and I found you two having sex in our garden" he said and tried not to laugh.

"Thanks, bye" I said and hung up the phone.

"What did he say?" Adria asked me just as soon as I got off the call and I just looked trough my phone.

What the fuck is that. I opened a video in my photo album that I do not remember taking and watched the first ten seconds of it.

"He said we had sex in the garden" I said putting my phone away.

"What?" Adria said shooting up and looking at me.

"In front of everyone?" She asked me.

"I don't know Adria, but Tobias saw" I said and laid back in bed.

"And judging by the fact I have a video of us fucking, we also had sex here." I said and patted the bed on which we were laying on.

"Are you serious?" She said with disgust in her face.

"Don't worry you looked hot" I said and closed my eyes bet felt a slap on my cheek that made me open them again.

"Delete it" she demanded.

"I will" I said "later".

I rolled on my side while Adria was still sitting up and looking at me not saying anything.

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