Me: Japan!
Japan: Hai?
Me: *grabs camera* IT'S TIME!
Japan: *squeals and grabs camera* LET'S GO!
Japan: *hiding in the bushes* The targets have met!
Me: *hiding in the bushes* Okay! *focuses camera*
Japan: Italy is talking to Germany!
Me: Is Germany blushing?
Japan: No...
Japan: We should take a picture anyway... *takes picture*
Me: *gasp* They're walking together!
Japan: REALLY? *takes pictures*
England: ...?
China: ...?
France: ...?
America: ...?
Russia: ^J^
England: What ARE you two doing?
Me: ...Ah, England, uh...
Japan: Igirisu...
Me: ...RUN! *runs with cameras*
Japan: *runs*
America: What's up with them?
But seriously, guys
THANK YOU ~(^-^)~