*Nintendo logo comes up*
America: *dressed as Link* I, Link, shall save Princess Zelda!
England: *cosplaying as Zelda* Uh...Oh no! Um, Ganondorf has taken me! *whispers* Do I REALLY have to be Zelda? Couldn't you have gotten France to do it? I'm sure he'd love to be the princess...
UsUk shippers: *squeal*
Sealand: Hello! I am Midna *hair turns into hand and Sealand strokes it*
Poland: And I am Saria! *whispers* I only did this because I get to wear a dress...
England: Bloody hell...
~Meanwhile, in Skyward sword~
China: I am Fi! *does beautiful dance of gracefulness*
France: And I am Girahim! *pervy licks*
America: It's nice being Link...
England: Uhh...America...You won the Loftwing race.
America: And?
UsUk shippers: Wait...
England: Well, we need to do the last part of the ceremony...
UsUk shippers: OMG, IS HE GOING TO?...
England: *leans in*
UsUk: *screams*
England: *stops leaning in and turns America around* We should test the Sailcloth!
America: Huh? What?
England: *pushes America off the edge of the Statue of the Goddess*
UsUk shippers: I knew it... *flips tables* ┻━┻ ︵ヽ('Д')ノ︵ ┻━┻