Love Potion

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Me: *minding my own business when suddenly* Huh?
A wild Love Potion appears

Me: *evil smirk face*

One minute later

England: And that's why you never have tea in a chicken coop!

America: *scared face*... *whispers* I am scarred...

Me: Hi, guys! *drops love potion 'by accident'* Whoops!

America: Aw, dude!

England: Can you watch where you bloody going, mate?

Me: Uh, sorry England and America! *smirk*

America: *blushes* Uh...England?

England: Hey, uh, America. I have something I need to tell you...

Me: *grabs camera*

America: Uh, me too...

*pans out*

Japan: *writing UsUk fanfic*

Hetalia RandomnessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz