Morgan's Roommates and Boyfriend

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Morgan is a sophomore in college, dorming with 2 of her best friends in an apartment close to the campus. They all have been friends since easy high school, and aren't strangers to playing pranks on each other, such as taking shower heads, alarm clocks going off at 3am, and of course, wedgies!

One day, Morgan had her boyfriend over. They had only been dating for a few weeks and still getting to know each other. They were sitting together at the bar in their kitchen, talking and giggling when her roommate, Aubrey comes out and smiles.

"Hey you two! What are you giggling about?"

Morgan smiles and looks over. "Oh just sharing dumb college stories." Aubrey chuckles and opens the fridge, looking for a snack. Morgan looks down and notices a bit of pink lace peeking out from Aubrey's leggings. She smiles and whispers to her boyfriend "watch this."

She sneaks up behind Aubrey and grabs the exposed lace, yanking her pink thong up her butt as she stands and screams. "Eeppp!!!! Morgan!!"

Morgan starts laughing hysterically as she gives another tug and let's go, letting the waistband snap against her roommates back. Aubrey grunts and stuffs her hands down her leggings to adjust her undies, blushing as red as a tomato.

Mark, Morgan's boyfriend chuckled softly. "Wow, what was that for babe?"

Morgan turned to Mark, still giggling. "I just gave her a wedgie! Just harmless fun I do to her all the time!" She sits next to mark again, snuggling into his arm.

"Well she doesn't look like she's having too much fun. How would you feel if she did that to you?" Mark said, smiling at Morgan.

"Oh please. Even if she did, she wouldn't give me a wedgie that good!"

"Well, if she can't do it, I guess I'll do it for her!" Mark wraps his arm around Morgan's neck, putting her in a headlock.

"Hey wait! Babe no!" Morgan struggles as she's lifted to her feet, hearing Aubrey laughing at her being dominated. She feels Marks warm hand slide down her back into her jeans, grasping her panties. "No no no Mark! Stop it!"

Mark chuckles as he begins pulling Morgan's white bikini panties out of her jeans. "Wow, cute modest panties baby! Ahaha." He laughs as he slowly pulls her panties up higher and higher.

"Ow hey! Babe stop! This is embarrassing!" Morgan pleads, feeling her panties climb higher up her buttcrack. Aubrey continues to laugh as she comes up and lands a hard smack on her right buttcheek. "Ow! Stop that!"

Aubrey continues laughing as she goes back to her room. Mark stands up, still holding Morgan in her headlock and wedgie and walked towards her bedroom. Morgan hobbles along.

He gets to her room and shuts the door, giving one last final tug and lands a hard smack on each cheek before letting her go. "Hey!" She whines and rubs her butt as she stands up straight. She looks in the standing mirror at how stretched her panties were over her jeans and how red she was. "That wasn't funny."

Mark laughs and kisses her forehead. "Well I thought it was fun, and now you and Aubrey are even." He puts his arms around her hugging her. She wraps her arms around him, leaving the stretched undies where they were.

"Maybe I should do this more often. Seems you need it." He teases her. "Please I get to see your panties? Win win"

Morgan rolls her eyes. "Don't get too carried away. I'll get you back!"

"Oh I'd love to see you try." He chuckles patting her butt. He leans in and starts kissing her, sliding his hands down her pants to fix her panties for her. "Come on, let's find a movie or something."

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