Sistery Love

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(Got a request for a sister story. Luckily for them I had one in mind already!)

I'm dropped off at my driveway by my friends mom after a long soccer practice. I thank them for the ride and run inside. When I step in, I see my sister Emily laying on the couch with headphones in watching a YouTube video. She was 14, 3 years younger than me. She doesn't even notice that I'm home with how loud the volume is and how into the video she was.

I look down and see a sliver of white peeking from her jeans. I smirk and sneak up behind her, grabbing her panties and yanking them up hard seeing her pink polka dotted panties fly up her back.

She screams out. "Ow!" She turns and sees me. "Bailey! What the hell!"

I laugh and give her another tug. "Nice underwear sissy!" I yell out as she squirms around, trying to escape the wedgie. I let her go and lay on top of her.

"Stop that! You're so annoying sometimes!" She reaches back trying to fix her underwear.

I laugh and hug her before getting up. "You didn't say hello when I came home because you were too busy watching dumb make up videos! So I gave you a special hello!"

"Ugh! Just go away! You stink!" She shoved her hand down her jeans quickly fixing her panties, but they still poke out of her jeans as she rolls over on her back and puts her headphones back in.

I laugh, but realize I do kind of stinky. I was just out running in the sun for 3 hours and needed to shower. I head upstairs and strip out of my soccer clothes and takes steaming shower. I walk out in a towel and head into my bedroom to dry off.

I slide on a pair of peach colored boyshorts and pink plaid pajama pants, as well as a white tank top before heading downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and start to make myself a sandwich. As I'm spreading peanut butter on a piece of bread, I feel a cold petite pair of hands shoot down into my pants and yank my panties up.

"Ow! Emily!"

Emily laughs as she pulls harder. "Payback bitch!" She smacks my butt.

"Okay okay that's enough! You got your revenge!"

She ignores me as she pulls harder, the waistband starts to tear off.

"Emily stop!!" I yell out as I hear the fabric tear. She ignored me and pulled harder, tearing a bigger hole in my panties before letting go and laughing. I look back at my ruined undies. "Emily what the fuck! You owe me new underwear!"

"What?! No! It's not my fault your underwear couldn't handle my mad wedgie skills!"

"Your skills? You mean the ones you copy off of me??" I yell out, grabbing her and bending over over the kitchen counter.

"Hey stop it!" She yells as I grab her panties again and yank them up. I lift her up to her tippy toes while stretching her panties.

"I'll show you not to mess with me!" I drag her out the living room, opening the closet door with a coat hook. I grab her panties with two hands and lift her up as she releases a loud yell. I hook her panties on the hook, feet just inches from the ground.

"Stop it! This isn't funny anymore!"

"Ripping my panties wasn't funny!" I reply looking back at my ripped panties again, shoving them down my pants the best I could. "These were my favorite comfy panties!"

She whines and kicks around. I walk back upstairs, changing out of my ripped panties and slip on a grey pair from the same hanes boyshorts pack. I walk back downstairs and throw the ripped panties over Emily's head. "Nice hat! Hehehe"

"Sissy stop! Let me go! Please!" She begs, no longer kicking knowing it just makes the wedgie worse. I laugh and walk back to the kitchen to finish making my sandwich and return to the living room eating it.

"You look good up there. We should leave you up year round." I say joking.

"You're not funny. Let me down!"

I finish my sandwich and grab her legs, pulling her down as she lets out a scream. Her panties shred as she lands on her knees.

"There! Now we're even!" I say hugging her.

She sighs and hugs back. "I guess you're right."

I knew she couldn't be mad at her big sister for too long. I'm mislead as I feel her hands slip into my pants again and give me a small wedgie.

"Hey!" I say pushing her away. "Didn't you learn!?"

She giggles. "Okay okay I'm sorry! That's it I promise!" She looks at her ripped panties hanging out of her jeans and still on the hook. She grabs her waistband from the coat hook and runs upstairs.

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