Mario Kart

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Calli, 14, and her brother Justin, 11, were home alone on a weekend while their parents were out of town for a date night. They usually trusted Calli to babysit while they were gone. Justin usually didn't get her any hell, but if he did she knows how to put him in his place by yanking on his underwear until he behaves.

After ordering pizza with money their parents left, the two siblings head down to the basement where the big TV and gaming set up is.

"Will you play a game with me Calli? I wanna play Mario Kart, but I don't wanna play alone!" Justin asked his older sister. He was dressed in a black minecraft tshirt and black basketball shorts, his usual outfit whenever he's relaxing at home.

Calli didn't care much for Mario Kart, even if she was good at it. But she was bored and none of her friends could come over. So she agreed. "Fine I'll play with you. But I want to me Peach." She sat on the couch, dressed in black leggings and an over sized Van Halen shirt she borrowed from her dad.

Justin smiled and nodded his head, handing her a controller. "Hey, I have an idea if you're up for it!"

Calli looks a bit confused as she takes the controller. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

"The winner of the race gets to give the loser a wedgie!"

Calli's eyes get wide. "What?! No way! There's no way I'm letting you wedgie me dork!" She laughs.

"Oh come on pleeease! You're torturing me with wedgies all the time. At least let me get a chance to get some payback!"

Calli thinks for a moment. She doesn't want to get wedgied, especially by her nerdy little brother. But she knows she's better at Mario Kart so she decides to accept the challenge. "Okay. You're on! I always beat your ass in this game anyway!"

Calli saying beat your ass gave Justin another idea. "Oh! How about spankings too? Winner can give the loser a wedgie or a set number of spankings?"

Calli grunts. She doesn't like being spanked either. But if it's a small number of spankings and not a wedgie, it'll be less embarrassing and painful. "Okay fine. Just start the game already!"

Justin sits cheerfully as he starts us the first race. As expected, Calli wins the first race leaving Justin in 4th. She turns and sticks her tongue out. "Ha ha, I win! Stand up, it's time for your wedgie!"

Justin hangs his head as he stands up. It's going to be a long night. Calli stands and slips her hands into his shorts, gripping his waistband, before giving a hard yank. His blue stripped briefs fly out of his shorts and he gives a short yell.

Calli laughs as she gives another tug before letting go and sits back down. "That was fun! Let's play again loser!"

Justin grunts and quickly adjusts his underwear before sitting down and starting the next race. He tries his hardest but still falls short in second place, right behind Calli.

She laughs as she grabs his arm and yanks him over her lap. "Alright, here comes 10 spankings!" She gives 10 hard smacks on his bottom. He jolts at each smack.

Come on J, you can do better than this! My bitch sister needs a taste of her own medicine! He climbs off her lap, still feeling a slight sting on his butt as the next race begins. Right before Calli wins again, Justin gets lucky by receiving a blue shell and hits her with it, knocking her out of 1st place and he grabs the win.

Justin jumps up and cheers as Calli throws her controller down on the couch. "Bullshit! I should've won!" She exclaimed, mad and nervous of what her brother had planned.

"No! You lost fair and square! Wedgie time, stand up loser!"

Calli scoffs standing up. She holds her shirt up so he can access her undies. "Hurry it up, I need to beat you again."

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