Cousins Part 2

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The cousins were all sitting in a wooden shed in Ryan's backyard. It used to be where their dad kept the lawn mower and other tools, but since he upgraded to a riding mower he decided to move everything into the garage and let the kids convert the shed into a playhouse. And by convert, I really mean just taking some lawn chairs and tables to make it their own little hide away.

They sat around the table, playing uno together. It was the last day before the rest of Ryan's cousin had to drive back home with their parents. The adults were inside preparing dinner while they let the kids play.

"I'm going to miss you guys." Bree tells them. "It's always fun when you guys come here."

Ryan nods his head. "Yeah, you make the summers less boring."

"Well it's a lot more fun here than it is in boring ass Kansas." Sandy says with a smile. "Even if you did decide to randomly torture us with wedgies."

Ryan laughs. "Torture! It was really fun!"

"It was definitely an experience!" Stephen says with a chuckle. "I wouldn't be opposed to do it again."

The group of kids get silent as they play the game. Then Stephen chimes in again.

"Would you....guys like to do wedgies one last time? As a little going away activity?"

They all mutter amongst themselves about the idea. Then Sandy speaks up.

"I'll do it, as long as Ryan goes first!"

Ryan chuckles. "What? Why me?!"

"Because you're the one who started it in the first place! And since you went last last time you have to go first this time!"

Bree nodded her head. "I'll also go if Ryan goes first."

The other two brothers agree. Ryan shakes his head. "I feel like I'm being targeted, but fine! That'll just make it worst for the rest of you!"

He stands up, lifting the bottom of his shirt to expose the waistband of his cargo shorts. Sandy stands behind him, trying to find his underwear beneath his shorts.

"Your pants are too tight! Unbutton them so we can at least get your underwear up!" She instructs him.

"But what if my pants fall?" He protests.

"If they fall they fall." Sandy says, giggling.

Ryan unbuttons his shorts to make them looser, and Sandy manages to grab the Hanes waistband. She grabs them with two hands, pulling them up high to reveal the blue fabric they're attached to.

Ryan winces as he feels his balls being crushed by his own underwear. "Ow! You're so mean already!"

Sandy laughs, giving another hard pull before smacking his butt and letting go.

Bree is up next. She stands on the chair to pull on his underwear. The wedgie isn't as painful as the one Sandy just gave him, but she gives him a quick smack on both of his cheeks once her turn is over.

"Oh I didn't know we agreed on wedgies and spankings! I'll keep that in mind!" He says as they all laugh.

Mikey was up next, getting his smack out of the way before he grabs his underwear with two hands and pulls them up high. Ryan's shorts were beginning to sag halfway down his butt, showing how high his leg holes were being forced up his butt.

Last but not least was Stephen. He decided Ryan deserved 4 smacks, 2 on each cheek, before grabbing his underwear underhanded and pulling up hard.

"Aah!" He yells out as he's getting wedgied. He then starts to hear his underwear ripping. "What are you doing?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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