A Good Catch!

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As spring began to approach and weather got warmer, Ryan had an itch to go fishing. He didn't want to go alone, so he tests his friend Brittany to see if she wants to come along. Luckily, she agreed and Ryan left to pick her up.

Both Ryan and Brittany are in their early 20s and have been friends for a while. Even though Ryan had his own apartment, Brittany still lived with in her parents home while she goes to school and saves money. Ryan shows up to her house and helps load her gear into the car and they head off to the lake.

They get to the lake and unload their fishing gear and start walking to their fishing spot and talked for a bit. They found their usual spot on the bank of the lake, where there was a picnic table for them to sit at and set their stuff on.

"Why did we come out here? It's still a little cold!" Brittany said shivering a bit.

"I have a spare jacket in my car if you want to go get it." Ryan tells her. He hands her the keeps and she walks back up the hill to get the jacket. Ryan can't help but to look at her butt as she was walking away. She was wearing the jeans that made her booty pop more than usual.

Ryan hooks his bait and casts it as Brittany walks back with his jacket on. "Is that better?"

She smiles and nods "much better. Any luck yet?"

"Nah, I just cast my first line, so nothing yet."

"Well hopefully we can catch something. We had a slow year last year." She walks over to the table and starts setting up her fishing rod.

Ryan looks over at her tying her hook to the line, and noticed a sliver of orange lace peaking over her jeans. He sets his fishing pole down and starts sneaking up on her. "Hey I think I might've caught something?"

"Oh really?!" Britt says, excited. Before she can turn around to see if he caught anything, he grabs ahold of her orange lace panties and yanked them up hard. "Ow ow hey! Stop!"

Ryan laughs hard as he keeps pulling hard with 2 hands.

"Come on Ryan stop! Not in public this is embarrassing!"

He continues to laugh as he gives a final hard tug, getting her panties up to her shoulder pads. "Oooohh she's a fighter! This is a damn good catch!"

She groans, trying not to smile at his thought joke as he lets go. She looks back at her panties resting over her jeans and shoved her hand down her jeans. "It's not funny.."

Ryan continues to laugh and shoved her shoulder. "Come on! It was kind of funny, and a good joke"

She blushed as she finished fixing her panties and adjusted her pants, looking around to make sure no one is around to see. "Fine the joke was funny. But don't fucking do that again!"

He chuckled at the comment and left her panties alone for the rest of the fishing date.

(Short story I know. Some stories will be short and some may be a bit longer. I hope you enjoyed!)

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