The After Party

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I knock on the door of the girls apartment. They invited me and a bunch of people over for an "End of Semester" party. I'm not too much of a party goer, but after the final exams I took today, a few drinks didn't seem like a bad idea.

The door opens and I'm greeted by Mandy. "Sam! Hey welcome come in come in!"

I walk inside and see some other classmates standing and socializing. I see my friend Ben and he immediately with a beer bottle and a shot. "Hey psych major, you're gonna need these."

I smirk, taking the shot and washing it down with a swig of beer, already feeling good and loose. I talk with Ben and the group he was hanging with, talking about how the semester went, our summer break plans, and everything in between.

I go around and try to talk a bit to other groups. Saying hi to familiar faces, introducing myself to newer people I don't know well. Then I Mandy's roommate, Christina.

Christina and I were both 21, and we met our freshman year in a class and kind of hit it off as friends. Every now and then we'd get a little flirty with each other, but not much ever came out of it. She was more like a good friend I just happened to find really cute.

"Sam! You came!" She runs up to hug me. Even though this was her apartment, she had given up typical comfortable clothes for a white crop top and tight black jeans. She was on the soccer team and her body was nicely toned.

I hug her back. "Hey Chris!" I call her by her shortened name I always call her. "Having fun tonight?"

She lets go of me and smiles. "The party is going well! I'm glad Mandy is handling a lot of it because I'm already a little tipsy."

I chuckle. "I can tell." I notice a little bit of slurred speech. We go and sit down on the couch and chat for a bit. Talking about school, her folks back home, normal things we like to talk about.

As I drink another beer, I start to get a little flirty with her. I have her giggling and flirting back and she sits a little closer to me. Before we know it she's ruffling my hair and can't take her eyes off of me.

I notice some people have already started to leave, some are still pouring up shots. "I think it's getting a bit late."

She looks at me, slightly biting her lip. "You're not leaving already are you?"

"Well, I'll probably have to wait for an Uber so not immediately."

"Well, how about before you call your Uber, you come to my room with me?"

What? Was this really happening tonight? I'm drawn in by her cute brown eyes that I can't say no to. I smile and stand up, helping her stand and she guides me to her room and shuts the door.

She guides me to her bed as we lay down and start to kiss. She plays with my hair more as I take the opportunity to slide my hand down and give her firm butt a squeeze. I can feel her smiling into the kiss as my second hand grasps her other cheek.

I feel her body up and down more as we kiss. I start to wonder if I should make my move to take her clothes off first or if she will.

I'm answered by her pulling away from the kiss and looking into my eyes, with a drunken smile. "Sam, it may be the alcohol talking, but I have an embarrassing confession I want to make."

"Okay, let's hear it." I say curiously. Is she going to confess her love?

"Well. I don't really like sex. But there's something else...embarrassing I like."

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Well, have you ever given a wedgie?"

"Sure, in middle school haha."

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