Blackmail Part 2

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I walk downstairs into the kitchen, seeing my brother sitting at the kitchen table still playing on his switch. I avoid eye contact with him as I look in the fridge.

"You want me to make tacos tonight?" I ask him

"Mmhm." I hear him mutter, probably not looking up from the game.

I grab the pack of meat and set it on the counter. I kneel down and open the bottom cupboard to find a pan to cook it in, and almost instantly feel a pair of hands shoot my back. I feel my panties shoot out of my leggings.

"Ooww!!! Seriously?!" I'm yanked up to my feet by this fast little gremlin. He laughs as he tugs my panties up to my bra strap. I groan, wanting to fight back but knowing I agreed to this deal.

"Undo your bra so I can give you a bra connection!" He commands.

I start to argue, but reach back and undo my bra strap, feeling him yank my legholes even harder. I whine feeling my panties dig deeper up my butt. He manages to get my bra strap looped through my legholes and clips it back. He stands back and laughs as he observes my permanent wedgie.

"Now you have to leave it in while you make dinner!" He laughs out.

I sigh, not knowing there's any fighting this. "Fine!" I kneel back down to get the pan, wincing in pain as the wedgie gets worse. I stand back up and start cooking. I put on some music to try to put myself in a better mood. I dance around a little bit while cooking, honestly starting to forget the pain.

I hear a drawer open and close. I try not to think much about it, maybe he's being nice and setting the table.

All of the sudden, I feel something bite as left buttcheek and I scream out. "OW! What the hell?!"
I spin around and see my brother giggling, holding a wooden spoon. "What the hell? Did you just spank me?!"

He keeps laughing and hits my butt again. And again. I fall forward against the counter in pain.

"Tyler stop! This wasn't part of the deal!!" I desperately cry out in pain.

"What? You want me to stop? Guess I'll tell dad then!"

I groan loudly. "Uugghh! You're such a little shit!"

He continues laughing and gives both cheeks a few more hard smacks. Pair with my permanent wedgie, this had to be the biggest pain in the ass ever.

He finally stops spanking me and lets me stand up and rub my butt. "Can we pleeeease just eat now?! I want to relax!"

"Ahahaha, fine baby!" He throws the spoon on the counter. Thankfully, he releases me from my bra connection and I sigh in relief as I pick out my wedgie. We both make our plates and eat at the table. He watches a video on his phone while we both eat in silence. I feel a slight sting from the unexpected whooping I just received.

After we eat, I rinse our plates and stick them in the dish washer. "Can you please please pleeeeease leave me alone for like 20 minutes while I take a shower?" I plead to my younger brother.

He looks at me. "Hmmmmm fine. But I'll lay out an outfit for you to wear when you get out!"

I sigh. "Fine, whatever." I say defeated, not wanting to fight back anymore. I don't think he could make any too embarrassing of an outfit. Especially if I'm just going to sleep in it.

I head upstairs into the bathroom. I strip down and turn from the mirror, looking at the red marks on my butt. That little bastard! I think to myself. I rub my sore butt while I'm in the shower, taking in probably the only peace and alone time I'll get until tomorrow afternoon.

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