Blackmail Part 1

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I grab a soda and a bag of chips from the kitchen before I head upstairs. I look over and see my 12 year old brother, Tyler, laying on the couch, playing his switch with headphones in. I sneak up behind him, seeing his Hanes waistband peeking out from his shorts. I feel a devious smirk spread across my face as I quickly grab ahold of his underwear and yank them up his back.

"Oooowwww!!! Hey!" Tyler squirms around and turns to see me. "Molly! Stop it!" He whines out.

I laugh and give his blue undies after hard tough as I watch him struggle to break free. I give another pull lifting his butt off the couch, exposing his legholes to reveal that he's wearing briefs, and then let go.

He throws his headphones off and rolls his back away from me. "Cut that out! I'm tired of getting wedgies from you!!"

I laugh as I start to walk upstairs. "Too bad so sad wedgie boy! The princess always gets her way around here!"

I walk into my room and shut my door. Our parents were out for the weekend so I decided I was going to have a little bit of fun. I put my drink and snack on my side table, then open the small drawer that contained a small container of weed. I reach into my purse and pull out a small bowl and a lighter.

I crack open my window and side on my bed to start packing my bowl. Right before I light it, my door swings open.

"Molly what are we- wait what are you doing?!"

I get startled and hide the bowl and lighter behind my back. I forgot to do an important step in my weed smoking routine, lock the fucking door.

"N-nothing! What are you doing in my room your dweeb?!"

"I just wanted to know what's for dinner. Are you smoking weed?"

"What? No! I mean, I mean yeah but what's it to you?! Get out!"

I see him get a huge grin on his face. "I'm gonna tell dad!" He starts walking out.

My eyes get wide and I shoot out of the room behind him. "No no no! Don't tell dad! Come on what do you want?"

"No! I'm telling mom and dad! You're 17 you shouldn't be smoking weed!"

"Come on bro! Please don't tell!" I plead. "I'll do anything!"

I follow him to his room, and he stands there for a second. Then looks up to me with a shit eating grin again. "You have to be my wedgie slave for the rest of the weekend!"

I roll my eyes. "Come on, seriously!! I gave you one wedgie. Anything else, I'll do your laundry!"

"No!" He replied. "You're giving me wedgies all the time! I want payback!"

"Uugghh!!" I explain and throw my arms down. I ponder it for a second. I really don't want to be wedgied by my brother all weekend, but I really can't let my parents know I brought weed in the house. "Okay fine! Whatever..."

He grins. "Okay! Turn around and I'll give you one now!"

I sigh and roll my eyes, turning my back to him and holding up my shirt for easier access. It's just for 24 hours tops. And it's just wedgies. Let's just hope it goes by quickly. I mean he's 5 years younger than me, how badly could he even wedgie me?

My internal monologue is quickly answered when I feel cold grubby hands pull back my leggings and grab my undies, and without warning I feel my blue lace thong shoot up my butt. "OWWW!!" I exclaim at the pain. I whine as another tug lifts me to my toes. He laughs as he bounces my thong several times, causing a hole to rip. "Hey stop!!"

He lets go and I feel the waistband snap against my back. I look back at my damaged panties. "Come ooon, seriously!"

He laughs. "This is fun! I can't wait to give you more. Now, what's for dinner?!"

"UGHH" I stuff my hands down my leggings. "Let me change and I'll start cooking. Just leave me alone for 5 minutes!" I storm out of the room into my bedroom and slam my door, making sure to lock it. I slide off my leggings and look in my standing mirror, toying with the large hole that was made in my favorite lace thong. I slide them off, leaving me in just my blue hoodies crop top. I dig through my undies drawer and choose out a white pair of cotton panties and slide them on, followed by my leggings. My panty lines can be seen from a mile away, but I'm hoping these panties will hold longer and hopefully not hurt as much when being yanked by my brothers little grubby hands.

I put my weed away, no longer feeling motivated to smoke. I open my door and head downstairs to start dinner. Prepping myself for whatever the night has stored for me.

To be continued....

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