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Ryan was on summer vacation, and he had family from out of state staying the visit. Though he lived in a decently sized house, he still had to share a room with his 2 of his cousins, while the other cousin shared a room with his sister. There was Sandy who was 13, same age as Ryan, Stephen who was 11, and Mikey who was 8, same age as his sister Bree.

Most of the adults were out doing things, like going to the store or seeing other family around town, leave the bored kids home alone by themselves. They all hung out in the living room watching tv. They were watching a cartoon, when one of the characters gave the other a wedgie.

"Wow! That looked like it hurts!" Mikey says out loud.

"Haha yeah. I bet wedgies are pretty painful."  Ryan says back. "I bet the 3 of you wedgie each other all the time back at home."

Sandy scuffs. "What? I never get wedgies because I'm not a nerd."

Ryan smirks. "Oh so you must be the wedgie master of the house then?"

"Actually," Sandy says. "I don't think we've ever gotten wedgies."

Both Steph and Mike shake their heads.

"Wow. Neither have we I don't think." He says in reference to him and his sister. "Can't believe we've made it this far without getting them!"

"Yeah, I guess we're lucky!" Stephen says before turning his attention back to the tv.

The show goes on, and another character gets wedgied. "It does look fun though. You guys maybe wanna try it out?" Ryan suggests.

There was some murmurs between them, some neglect and debating who goes first. Finally Stephen turns to Ryan. "Sure. I'll go first."

Ryan and Stephen stand up and Stephen turns his back. Ryan pulls back his black shorts and sees his Hanes waistband attached to his white underwear. "Haha wow, tighty whities Steph?" He teases him.

"Hey! Not my fault it's what my mom buys me!" He fights back. Everyone laughs and teases. Ryan grabs ahold of his waistband with both hands and gets a good grip before yanking them up hard. "Aah!" Steph yelps out as the white material is wedged up his butt.

"Wow! I was right this is fun! Haha." Ryan laughs as he gives another hard pull before letting go. "Okay, who wants to wedgie him next?"

The rest of the kids line up and each take turns stretching his undies. The last one in line was Mikey and he landed a smack on his butt after letting go of his wedgie.

"Hey! You're next!" Steph turns around and locks Mikey in a headlock.

"Hey wait! I didn't agree to this!" Mikey protests trying to break free.

"Everybody gets a turn!" Ryan says. "You first Mr. Stephen."

"With pleasure. Time to give this dork what he's always deserved!" He slips his hand into Mikey's shorts and pulls out a matching pair of tighty whities.

They all laughed at his underwear choice, and all took turns slapping his butt as he screamed and fought to get out of the headlock. After everyone got their turn he's let go and hides in the corner, shoving his hands down his shorts to pull out his wedgie. "Hmph. You guys are mean!"

Ryan laughed and look around the room. "Hmmm I thiiiink Bree is next!" He grabs his sisters arm.

"Hey! Let go!" She struggles, but Ryan pins her arms to her sides easily with how much older and stronger he is. He turns her to present her backside to the group.

"Who wants to go first?"

Mikey was quick to the punch to get first to her first. He reaches down her skort and grabs her purple waistband before yanking up her pink rainbow designed panties.

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